When we have a measles outÂbreak, do we norÂmalÂly look to the fedÂerÂal or state govÂernÂment for help?
Do they have docÂtors and nursÂes on staff and medÂical facilÂiÂties at their perÂsonÂal disposal?
If we call the state or fedÂerÂal MedÂicÂaid phone numÂbers, are they going to perÂsonÂalÂly diagÂnose our illÂnessÂes, visÂit us, nurse us, feed us, and help us get healthy again?
Whom do we call, then?
We call 911, which conÂtacts an ambuÂlance serÂvice to pick us up and get us to a medÂical facilÂiÂty for necÂesÂsary care.
Why, then, did the DemocÂrats and the regÂuÂlar mass media pubÂlicly raise expecÂtaÂtions that PresÂiÂdent Trump would take responÂsiÂbilÂiÂty for solvÂing the health probÂlems caused by the NovÂel CoroÂna Virus/the NC Virus?
Apart from the fact that the PresÂiÂdent rose to the occaÂsion with his usuÂal enerÂgy and creÂativÂiÂty, why was he the one, who should take the blame for anyÂone getÂting sick or dying from a virus?
When have AmerÂiÂcans ever acceptÂed, as a soluÂtion to any probÂlem, stayÂing apart from each othÂer, rather than joinÂing togethÂer to do so?
There are many peoÂple, who are workÂing a lot hardÂer than usuÂal, and they arenât even recÂogÂnized First ResponÂders. But, withÂout them, no one, let alone First ResponÂders, would be able to help anyÂone. The indeÂfatiÂgaÂble truckÂers, who worÂry about transÂportÂing the NC Virus from one place to anothÂer, must be conÂsidÂered expendÂable, as no one has them dress in proÂtecÂtive clothÂing and stay six feet away from each othÂer, as they carÂry out their indisÂpensÂable work! There are many othÂers, who will not allow the NC Virus TerÂror to stop them from carÂryÂing out their duties, as they should, and we should join them.
We canÂnot afford to allow fear of a virus to rule us and to take away our freeÂdom to worÂship pubÂlicly, to live, to work, to recreÂate, and minÂgle, as we so choose. NorÂmalÂly, we would not look to the PresÂiÂdent to resolve a health criÂsis â we would look to The One, Who can solve every probÂlem we have and who cares enough about us to do so â GOD!
Fear is a demon, and there are many types of fears, with their corÂreÂspondÂing demons, which attack us. Each time, that we give in to them, they have more and more influÂence over us and will often block us from using faith and reason/logic to defeat them and to come up with workÂable soluÂtions to our problems.
ObstaÂcles to going back to what was a norÂmal way of living:
1. ExagÂgerÂatÂed FEAR of the virus, as if it were the plague. Fear of what could hapÂpen to us, our loved ones, as well as the elderÂly and those with health problems.
2. Patriotism/group think â folÂlow the rules â the govÂernÂmenÂtâs rules/media docÂtorsâ rules, and everyÂthing will be all right:
a. Social distancing
1. Not going to church to worÂship The God, Who gives us every breath we take and Who loves us enough to have sacÂriÂficed His Only-BegotÂten Son to save us from hell and Who Is in comÂplete conÂtrol of everyÂone and everyÂthing, through His OrdainÂing and PerÂmisÂsive Will.
2. Not going to work and getÂting paid, anyÂway â socialÂism. Thus, we are ruinÂing not only our own ecoÂnomÂic lives but also that of the counÂtry. It is now conÂsidÂered patriÂotÂic not to work. How the mighty AmerÂiÂcans have fallen!
What, then, should our response to the NC Virus TerÂror be? We should culÂtiÂvate a wise âfearâ of GOD, which is not a demon, but a logÂiÂcal attiÂtude towards GOD, against Whom we are powÂerÂless, and withÂout Whom we could not exist. We should go back to church and pubÂlicly and openÂly worÂship GOD, show our love for Him, repent of our sins, and plead for MerÂcy on us and our counÂtry, espeÂcialÂly for our corÂpoÂrate sins against human life, such as aborÂtion/baÂby-killing and euthanasia/ murÂder of the elderÂly and the handÂiÂcapped. GOD Is The Only One, who can free us of the unreaÂsonÂable fear, which has been proÂgrammed into us through the media and varÂiÂous govÂernÂment officials.
RegardÂing the teleÂvised staÂtisÂtics on the NC Virus, which are used to keep us parÂaÂlyzed with fear, let us look at them through a difÂferÂent lens.
Which is realÂly more imporÂtant to us â the numÂber of casÂes or the numÂber of deaths caused by the virus? ObviÂousÂly, we should conÂcern ourÂselves more with the morÂtalÂiÂty rate.
Letâs comÂpare the morÂtalÂiÂty rate of the NC Virus with othÂer things that AmerÂiÂcans freÂquentÂly do, which they would not conÂtemÂplate givÂing up, and which have a high or comÂplete rate of death assoÂciÂatÂed with them.
ScruÂtiÂnize the folÂlowÂing chart, and ask yourÂself why we have takÂen so many drasÂtic steps to avoid the virus when the death rate is so low.
If you divide the curÂrent numÂber of deaths caused by the virus â by the curÂrent numÂber of AmerÂiÂcans â approxÂiÂmateÂly 330,000,000 â the perÂcentÂage is: .006!
NovÂel CoroÂna Virus â A.D. 1â4/2020 (NCV): 20,555 Deaths = .006% of the U.S. Population
Car AcciÂdents A.D. Year of 2018 (CA):
36,560 Deaths = .01% of the U.S. Population
Abortions/Baby Deaths for A.D. Years â some states in 2017 and some for 2018 (AB): 781,899 Deaths = .24% of the U.S. Population
- AL â NCV-93 / CA-953 / AB: 6,063 (â17)
- AK â NCVâ8 / CA-80 / AB: 1,283 (â18)
- AZ â NCV-108 / CAâ1,010 / AB: 12,438 (â18)
- AR â NCV-25 / CA-516 / AB: 3,069 (â18)
- CA â NCV-634 / CAâ3,563 / AB: 132,680 (â18)
- CO â NCV-274 / CA-632 / AB: 8,975 (â18)
- CT â NCV-494 / CA-294 / AB: 9,294 (â18)
- DE â NCV-33 / CA-111 / AB: 1,740 (â18)
- FL â NCV-446 / CAâ3,133 / AB: 70,239 (â18)
- GA â NCV-433 / CAâ1,504 / AB: 33,918 (â18)
- HI â NCVâ8 / CA-117 / AB: 2,121 (â18)
- ID â NCV-27 / CA-231 / AB: 1,285 (â17)
- IL â NCV-677 / CAâ1,031 / AB: 42,441 (â18)
- IN â NCV-330 / CA-858 / AB: 8,037 (â18)
- IA â NCV-34 / CA-318 / AB: 2,849 (â18)
- KS â NCV-55 / CA-404 / AB: 6,972 (â18)
- KY â NCV-94 / CA-724 / AB: 3,201 (â17)
- LA â NCV-806 / CA-768 / AB: 8,097 (â18)
- ME â NCV-19 / CA-137 / AB: 1,931 (â18)
- MD â NCV-206 / CA-501 / AB: 29,800 (â17)
- MA â NCV-686 / CA-360 / AB: 18,256 (â18)
- MI â NCVâ1,384 / CA- 974 / AB: 26,716 (â18)
- MN â NCV-64 / CA-381 / AB: 9,910 (â18)
- MS â NCV-93 / CA-664 / AB: 2,594 (â17)
- MO â NCV-116 / CA-921 / AB: 2,910 (â18)
- MT â NCVâ6 / CA-182 / AB: 1,674 (â18)
- NE â NCV-17 / CA-230 / AB: 2,078 (â18)
- NV â NCV-111 / CA-330 / AB: 8,819 (â18)
- NH â NCV-23 / CA-147 / AB: 2,210 (â17)
- NJ â NCVâ2,183 / CA-564 / AB: 48,110 (â17)
- NM â NCV-20 / CA-391 / AB: 3,847 (â18)
- NY â NCVâ8,650 / CA-943 / AB: 54,394 (â17)
- NC â NCV-89 / CAâ1,437 / AB: 27,581 (â18)
- ND â NCVâ7 / CA-105 / AB: 1,141 (â18)
- OH â NCV-247 / CAâ1,068 / AB: 20,425 (â18)
- OK â NCV-94 / CA-655 / AB: 5,014 (â18)
- OR â NCV-51 / CA-506 / AB: 8,735 (â18)
- PA â NCV-530 / CAâ1,190 / AB: 30,364 (â18)
- RI â NCV-56 / CA-59 / AB: 2,902 (â18)
- SC â NCV-80 / CAâ1,037 / AB: 4,646 (â18)
- SD â NCVâ6 / CA-130 / AB: 382 (â18)
- TN â NCV-106 / CAâ1,041 / AB: 10,810 (â18)
- TX â NCV-273 / CAâ3,642 / AB: 53,277 (â17)
- UT â NCV-18 / CA-260 / AB: 2,923 (â17)
- VT â NCV-25 / CA-68 / AB: 1,203 (â17)
- VA â NCV-130 / CA-820 / AB: 15,381 (â17)
- WA â NCV-496 / CA-546 / AB: 17,740 (â17)
- WV â NCVâ6 / CA-294 / AB: 1,436 (â17)
- WI â NCV-137 / CA-588 / AB: 6,224 (â1
- WY â NCVâ0 / CA-111 / AB: 140 (â17)
- D.C. â NCV-47 / CA-31 / AB: 3,624 (â17)
1. Data on deaths caused by the NovÂel CoroÂna Virus (NCV), by state, takÂen from:
2. Data on deaths caused by car acciÂdents (CA), by state, takÂen from:
3. LatÂest Data availÂable on baby-deaths caused by aborÂtion (AB), by state, takÂen from:
Also inforÂmaÂtion from some state health departÂmentsâ webÂsites was used.
CopyÂright and All Rights Reserved, The Holy FamÂiÂly House. Can be reproÂduced gratis with legÂiÂble attriÂbuÂtion. EastÂer ThursÂday and Feast of our Lady of VicÂtoÂries of St. Mark, A.D. 4/16/2020.