WHO WINS? GOD or The NC Virus?

When we have a measles out­break, do we nor­mal­ly look to the fed­er­al or state gov­ern­ment for help? 

Do they have doc­tors and nurs­es on staff and med­ical facil­i­ties at their per­son­al disposal?

If we call the state or fed­er­al Med­ic­aid phone num­bers, are they going to per­son­al­ly diag­nose our ill­ness­es, vis­it us, nurse us, feed us, and help us get healthy again?


Whom do we call, then?

We call 911, which con­tacts an ambu­lance ser­vice to pick us up and get us to a med­ical facil­i­ty for nec­es­sary care.

Why, then, did the Democ­rats and the reg­u­lar mass media pub­licly raise expec­ta­tions that Pres­i­dent Trump would take respon­si­bil­i­ty for solv­ing the health prob­lems caused by the Nov­el Coro­na Virus/the NC Virus?

Apart from the fact that the Pres­i­dent rose to the occa­sion with his usu­al ener­gy and cre­ativ­i­ty, why was he the one, who should take the blame for any­one get­ting sick or dying from a virus?

When have Amer­i­cans ever accept­ed, as a solu­tion to any prob­lem, stay­ing apart from each oth­er, rather than join­ing togeth­er to do so?

There are many peo­ple, who are work­ing a lot hard­er than usu­al, and they aren’t even rec­og­nized First Respon­ders.  But, with­out them, no one, let alone First Respon­ders, would be able to help any­one.  The inde­fati­ga­ble truck­ers, who wor­ry about trans­port­ing the NC Virus from one place to anoth­er, must be con­sid­ered expend­able, as no one has them dress in pro­tec­tive cloth­ing and stay six feet away from each oth­er, as they car­ry out their indis­pens­able work!  There are many oth­ers, who will not allow the NC Virus Ter­ror to stop them from car­ry­ing out their duties, as they should, and we should join them.

We can­not afford to allow fear of a virus to rule us and to take away our free­dom to wor­ship pub­licly, to live, to work, to recre­ate, and min­gle, as we so choose.  Nor­mal­ly, we would not look to the Pres­i­dent to resolve a health cri­sis — we would look to The One, Who can solve every prob­lem we have and who cares enough about us to do so — GOD!

Fear is a demon, and there are many types of fears, with their cor­re­spond­ing demons, which attack us.  Each time, that we give in to them, they have more and more influ­ence over us and will often block us from using faith and reason/logic to defeat them and to come up with work­able solu­tions to our problems.

Obsta­cles to going back to what was a nor­mal way of living:

1.  Exag­ger­at­ed FEAR of the virus, as if it were the plague. Fear of what could hap­pen to us, our loved ones, as well as the elder­ly and those with health problems.

2.  Patriotism/group think  — fol­low the rules — the gov­ern­men­t’s rules/media doc­tors’ rules, and every­thing will be all right:
     a.  Social distancing

1.  Not going to church to wor­ship The God, Who gives us every breath we take and Who loves us enough to have sac­ri­ficed His Only-Begot­ten Son to save us from hell and Who Is in com­plete con­trol of every­one and every­thing, through His Ordain­ing and Per­mis­sive Will.
2. Not going to work and get­ting paid, any­way — social­ism.  Thus, we are ruin­ing not only our own eco­nom­ic lives but also that of the coun­try. It is now con­sid­ered patri­ot­ic not to work.  How the mighty Amer­i­cans have fallen!

What, then, should our response to the NC Virus Ter­ror be?  We should cul­ti­vate a wise “fear” of GOD, which is not a demon, but a log­i­cal atti­tude towards GOD, against Whom we are pow­er­less, and with­out Whom we could not exist. We should go back to church and pub­licly and open­ly wor­ship GOD, show our love for Him, repent of our sins, and plead for Mer­cy on us and our coun­try, espe­cial­ly for our cor­po­rate sins against human life, such as abor­tion/ba­by-killing and euthanasia/ mur­der of the elder­ly and the hand­i­capped. GOD Is The Only One, who can free us of the unrea­son­able fear, which has been pro­grammed into us through the media and var­i­ous gov­ern­ment officials.

Regard­ing the tele­vised sta­tis­tics on the NC Virus, which are used to keep us par­a­lyzed with fear, let us look at them through a dif­fer­ent lens. 

Which is real­ly more impor­tant to us — the num­ber of cas­es or the num­ber of deaths caused by the virus? Obvi­ous­ly, we should con­cern our­selves more with the mor­tal­i­ty rate. 

Let’s com­pare the mor­tal­i­ty rate of the NC Virus with oth­er things that Amer­i­cans fre­quent­ly do, which they would not con­tem­plate giv­ing up, and which have a high or com­plete rate of death asso­ci­at­ed with them.

Scru­ti­nize the fol­low­ing chart, and ask your­self why we have tak­en so many dras­tic steps to avoid the virus when the death rate is so low. 

If you divide the cur­rent num­ber of deaths caused by the virus —  by the cur­rent num­ber of Amer­i­cans — approx­i­mate­ly 330,000,000 — the per­cent­age is:  .006!


Nov­el Coro­na Virus — A.D. 1–4/2020 (NCV):   20,555 Deaths = .006% of the U.S. Population

Car Acci­dents A.D. Year of 2018 (CA):
36,560 Deaths = .01% of the U.S. Population

Abortions/Baby Deaths for A.D. Years — some states in 2017 and some for 2018 (AB):  781,899 Deaths = .24% of the U.S. Population

  • AL — NCV-93 / CA-953 / AB: 6,063 (’17)
  • AK — NCV‑8 / CA-80 / AB: 1,283 (’18)
  • AZ — NCV-108 / CA‑1,010 / AB: 12,438 (’18)
  • AR — NCV-25 / CA-516 / AB: 3,069 (’18)
  • CA — NCV-634 / CA‑3,563 / AB: 132,680 (’18)
  • CO — NCV-274 / CA-632 / AB: 8,975 (’18)
  • CT — NCV-494 / CA-294 / AB: 9,294 (’18)
  • DE — NCV-33 / CA-111 / AB: 1,740 (’18)
  • FL — NCV-446 / CA‑3,133 / AB: 70,239 (’18)
  • GA — NCV-433 / CA‑1,504 / AB: 33,918 (’18)
  • HI — NCV‑8 / CA-117 / AB: 2,121  (’18)
  • ID — NCV-27 / CA-231 / AB: 1,285 (’17)
  • IL — NCV-677 / CA‑1,031 / AB: 42,441 (’18)
  • IN — NCV-330 / CA-858 / AB: 8,037 (’18)
  • IA — NCV-34 / CA-318 / AB: 2,849 (’18)
  • KS — NCV-55 / CA-404 / AB: 6,972 (’18)
  • KY — NCV-94 / CA-724 / AB: 3,201 (’17)
  • LA — NCV-806 / CA-768 / AB: 8,097 (’18)
  • ME — NCV-19 / CA-137 / AB: 1,931 (’18)
  • MD — NCV-206 / CA-501 / AB: 29,800 (’17)
  • MA — NCV-686 / CA-360 / AB: 18,256 (’18)
  • MI — NCV‑1,384 / CA- 974 / AB: 26,716 (’18)
  • MN — NCV-64 / CA-381 / AB: 9,910 (’18)
  • MS — NCV-93 / CA-664 / AB: 2,594 (’17)
  • MO — NCV-116 / CA-921 / AB: 2,910 (’18)
  • MT — NCV‑6 / CA-182 / AB: 1,674 (’18)
  • NE — NCV-17 / CA-230 / AB: 2,078 (’18)
  • NV — NCV-111 / CA-330 / AB: 8,819 (’18)
  • NH — NCV-23 / CA-147 / AB: 2,210 (’17)
  • NJ — NCV‑2,183 / CA-564 / AB: 48,110 (’17)
  • NM — NCV-20 / CA-391 / AB: 3,847 (’18)
  • NY — NCV‑8,650 / CA-943 / AB: 54,394 (’17)
  • NC — NCV-89 / CA‑1,437 / AB: 27,581 (’18)
  • ND — NCV‑7 / CA-105 / AB: 1,141 (’18)
  • OH — NCV-247 / CA‑1,068 / AB: 20,425 (’18)
  • OK — NCV-94 / CA-655 / AB: 5,014 (’18)
  • OR — NCV-51 / CA-506 / AB: 8,735 (’18)
  • PA — NCV-530 / CA‑1,190 / AB: 30,364 (’18)
  • RI — NCV-56 / CA-59 / AB: 2,902 (’18)
  • SC — NCV-80 / CA‑1,037 / AB: 4,646 (’18)
  • SD — NCV‑6 / CA-130 / AB: 382 (’18)
  • TN — NCV-106 / CA‑1,041 / AB: 10,810 (’18)
  • TX — NCV-273 / CA‑3,642 / AB: 53,277 (’17)
  • UT — NCV-18 / CA-260 / AB: 2,923 (’17)
  • VT — NCV-25 / CA-68 / AB: 1,203 (’17)
  • VA — NCV-130 / CA-820 / AB: 15,381 (’17)
  • WA — NCV-496 / CA-546 / AB: 17,740 (’17)
  • WV — NCV‑6 / CA-294 / AB: 1,436 (’17)
  • WI — NCV-137 / CA-588 / AB: 6,224 (‘1
  • WY — NCV‑0 / CA-111 / AB: 140 (’17)
  • D.C. — NCV-47 / CA-31 / AB: 3,624 (’17)

1.  Data on deaths caused by the Nov­el Coro­na Virus (NCV), by state, tak­en from: 


2.  Data on deaths caused by car acci­dents (CA), by state, tak­en from:


3.  Lat­est Data avail­able on baby-deaths caused by abor­tion (AB), by state, tak­en from:



Also infor­ma­tion from some state health depart­ments’ web­sites was used.

Copy­right and All Rights Reserved, The Holy Fam­i­ly House. Can be repro­duced gratis with leg­i­ble attri­bu­tion. East­er Thurs­day and Feast of our Lady of Vic­to­ries of St. Mark, A.D. 4/16/2020.