God made us to KLSO:
to KNOW God, to LOVE God, to SERVE God & OBEY God, so that we can be happy with Him forever in Heaven. If we reach total union with God, we will experience as much of Heaven on earth, as is possible.
Who was closest to God on earth? Who imitated our Lord perfectly here on earth? Who is closest to God in Heaven? Who is our biggest and most effective Intercessor in Heaven? The answers to all of the above are: The Most Blessed Virgin Mother Mary. The second biggest and most effective Intercessor in Heaven is Holy Saint Joseph, Head of The Holy Family. Since we sin and betray God so often, we need to have holy Intercessors, who will help us to do Godâs Will more promptly and obediently, so that we can become Saints, as our Lord created us to be.
One of the most effective ways to become close to Holy St. Joseph, our Most Blessed Lady, and, thus, to our Lord Jesus Christ, is to make the 33-day Consecration to Jesus through Mary (with Joseph) of St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Each period during the Consecration is meant to help us eventually attain total Union with Jesus.
Speaking from her own experience, THFH president almost had to be forced to make the Consecration the first time that she made it. She was not interested in having anything to do with it, even though our Lord had a couple of people encourage her to do so. At one point, she could not get her work discipline in order, her spiritual life in order, her living quarters in order â everything seemed to be a mess! Then, she read two, separate columns from two church bulletins, wherein the Priest wrote that the perfect Consecration to Jesus was through Mary, of St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
Very reluctantly, she made the Consecration for the first time. She had a certain weakness left over from her knee having given way during a 3âday, 72-mile pilgrimage; a little later on, our Lord had someone with a first-class relic of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton pray over her, and her knee was healed. A while later, she realized that our Lord had blessed her, because she had made the Consecration.
Then, one of her acquaintances made the Consecration. She had had surgery on both knees, on her back, had had skin cancer removed, suffered from food allergies as well as from addiction to both anti- depressant and anti-anxiety medication, and had sixteen doctors on her shortlist. None of the doctors had been able to cure her of her medical problems, but several of her physical ailments were healed after she made the Consecration.
Another woman, with whom THFH president is acquainted, had problems with her heart valves. When she was finishing her Consecration, she was incredibly joyful. Later on, she let the president know that she did not have to have any operation on her heart valves, because they had been healed, with no medical intervention.
Often people have problems making the Consecration, because the devil tries to discourage them from completing it. He does not want them to receive the spiritual strengthening or other special graces, and healing of all types, which our Lord often bestows on us through the Consecration. If we miss a day or stop the Consecration, we should just begin again where we left off and complete it. If we use the Consecration Checklist, which is ATTACHED at the bottom of this page, we have a much better chance of making the powerful, spiritual exercises, which help us to truly change our lives.
It helps to make the Consecration with a spouse, a son/daughter, a sister/brother, fellow parishioners, or even a friend over the telephone. A benefactor, who has macular degeneration, another benefactor, and THFH president would call each other almost every day, and they took turns reading and praying, to complete the Consecration. The spiritual exercises were to be left up to each of them to complete.
Eâmail us at: about your experiences with the Consecration.
May God bless you & yours always!
PRINT OUT the folÂlowÂing documents:
readÂings for the Consecration
A.D. 2012 Prayers in English & Latin for each period
The books to be used are also availÂable online.
You might like to use this for your BibÂliÂcal readings:
You could use this site for The ImiÂtaÂtion of Christ readÂings:
And, finalÂly, you could go to St. Louis de MontÂfortâs writÂings for readÂings in the True DevoÂtion [to The Blessed VirÂgin] and The Secret of Mary at: