Begin: In Nomine Patris, et FilĀii, et SpirĀiĀtus SancĀti. Amen.
ANGELUS V. Angelus DomiĀni nunĀtiĀavĀit Mariae. Ave, Maria, graĀtia pleĀna; DomiĀnus Tecum: BeneĀdicĀta Tu in mulieribus, et BeneĀdicĀtus FrucĀtus VenĀtris Tui, Jesus. * SancĀta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecĀcaĀtoribus, nunc et in hora morĀtis nosĀtrae. Amen. V. Ecce ancilĀla Domini, Ave, Maria, graĀtia pleĀnaā¦ V. Et VerĀbum Caro facĀtum est, Ave, Maria, graĀtia pleĀnaā¦ V. Ora pro nobis, SancĀta Dei Genetrix, OreĀmus. GraĀtiĀam tuam, quaeĀsumus, Domine, menĀtibus nosĀtris infunde; ut qui, AngeĀlo nunĀtiante, Christi FilĀii Tui IncarĀnaĀtionem cogĀnovimus, per PasĀsionem Eius et Crucem ad resĀurĀrecĀtioĀnĀis gloĀriĀam perĀdĀuĀcaĀmur. Per eumĀdem ChrisĀtum Dominum nosĀtrum. R. Amen. (Luke 1, 26ā49) |
Begin: In The Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy SpirĀit. Amen.
ANGELUS V. The Angel of The Lord declared unto Mary. R. And She conĀceived of The Holy Ghost. Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with Thee: Blessed art Thou among women, and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. * Holy Mary, MothĀer of God, pray for us sinĀners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. V. Behold The HandĀmaid of The Lord, Hail Mary, full of graceā¦ V. And the Word was made Flesh, Hail Mary, full of graceā¦ V. Pray for us, O Holy MothĀer of God, Let us pray. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known The IncarĀnaĀtion of Christ, Thy Son, by the mesĀsage of an Angel, so by His PasĀsion and Cross we may be brought to the gloĀry of the ResĀurĀrecĀtion. Through The Same Christ our Lord. R. Amen. (Luke 1, 26ā49) |