St. Maximilian Kolbe-Martyr of Charity

Novena: 8/5–8/14:

St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe was a wonderful, Polish, Franciscan Saint, who consecrated himself to The Blessed Virgin Mary, “The Immaculate One”.  While in the horrendous deathcamp, Auschwitz, St. Maximilian Kolbe gave up his life for the life of a man, who had a family.  See the beautiful website:, for more information.

Opening Prayer to St. Maximilian:

O St. Maximilian Kolbe, faithful follower of St. Francis, inflamed by the love of God, Thou dedicatedst Thy life to the practice of virtue and to works of the apostolate.

Look down with favor upon us who devoutly confide in Thine intercession.

Having consecrated Thyself to The Immaculate Virgin Mary, Thou inspiredst countless souls to a holy life and various forms of the apostolate in order to do good to others and to spread The Kingdom of God.  Obtain for us the grace by our lives and labors to draw many souls to Christ.

In Thy close conformity to our Divine Savior, Thou reachedst such an intense degree of love that Thou offeredst Thy life to save a fellow prisoner.  Implore God that we, inflamed by such ardent charity, may through our living faith and our apostolic works, witness Christ to others, and thus merit to join Thee in the Beatific Vision of God. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “Greater love than this no man has that a man lay down his life for his friends,” through the intercession of St. Maximilian Kolbe, whose life illustrated such love, we beseech you to grant our petitions. (Pause here to mention the special requests you have.)

Through the Militia of the Immaculata movement, which Maximilian founded, he spread a fervent devotion to Our Lady throughout the world.  He gave up his life for a total stranger and loved his persecutors, giving us an example of unselfish love for all people, a love that was inspired by true devotion to Mary.

Grant, O Lord Jesus, that we too may give ourselves entirely without reserve to the love and service of our Heavenly Queen in order that we may better love and serve our neighbor in imitation of Thy humble Servant, Maximilian.  Amen.

(tak­en from: