“Save Our Nation Crusade” 1/13 — 1/22/23


Do you like the things, that are going on now, in the U.S.?  The Cul­ture of Death, which per­vades almost every area of our life?   In the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, the most dan­ger­ous place for a per­son is in his mother’s womb.  Now, increas­ing­ly, the most dan­ger­ous place for an elder­ly, sick, or hand­i­capped per­son can be a med­ical, nurs­ing, or hos­pice facil­i­ty.  If we don’t have the right to life, we will nev­er be able to enjoy lib­er­ty or pur­sue happiness. 

As God bless­es or curs­es a fam­i­ly, accord­ing to the father’s behav­ior, so God bless­es or curs­es a nation accord­ing to how its spir­i­tu­al fathers, the Catholic Bish­ops, behave.  As the U.S. Catholic Bish­ops have not effi­ca­cious­ly opposed the Cul­ture of Death, or the Age of Filthy Hubris, The Lord is chastis­ing the U.S.  

What can WE do?

First, let’s look at anoth­er coun­try, chas­tised by Jesus:

Jesus Christ appeared sev­er­al times to St. Mar­garet Mary Ala­coque.  â€œJesus told St. Mar­garet Mary:  â€˜The Eter­nal Father
wishes to make use of the reign­ing monarch of France (Louis XIV) to pro­claim pub­lic devo­tion of repa­ra­tion to The Sacred Heart”
In return, Our Lord promised that the king would have His bless­ing and pro­tec­tion from all his ene­mies.”  (http://www.thecatholic travelguide.com/ParayLeMonial.html).  

When the King refused to do so, France was soon beset by wars, and 100 years lat­er, A.D. 1789, the French Rev­o­lu­tion tore France apart and trans­formed  it from a Catholic nation to a freema­son one. 

Lat­er on, in A.D. 1871, when the Ger­mans had almost over­run all of France, the laity peti­tioned the Arch­bish­op of Paris to enthrone Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart as King, over France.   Incred­i­bly, the Ger­mans refrained from tak­ing over France and  peace­ably left.

We recent­ly, allowed a com­mu­nist to be elect­ed Pres­i­dent and two com­mu­nists to be elect­ed Sen­a­tors from Geor­gia.   Let’s not sit by and watch the U.S. explode in a civ­il war – let’s rec­og­nize and cel­e­brate Jesus’ Divine  Right to reign over us and be blessed — not chas­tised — by Him.



Have Good Priests cel­e­brate them for this Crusade. 

PRIESTS:  Cel­e­brate an extra Holy Mass, dai­ly, and make the Cru­sade Nove­na, NOW, in hon­or of  Jan­u­ary 22nd/23rd, Feast/s of The Espousals of Saints Mary and Joseph, when the core of The Holy Fam­i­ly was formed.  They are the best mod­els of a mar­ried cou­ple in their total­ly pure love for each oth­er.  As Jesus lis­tens very much to His Blessed Vir­gin Par­ents, we should go to them, and urgent­ly request their Most Holy Help to enthrone The Infant Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart, as King, over the U.S., ASAP!


Give up a food/drink, unnec­es­sary to good health, and offer this up for this Enthrone­ment to take place, NOW!


Pres­i­dent Trump, Your Bish­op, USCCB Pres­i­dent, Arch­bish­op Tim­o­thy Broglio,

And urgent­ly request that they make this  Enthrone­ment, Now!


This hand­out.


This web address to your list: http://www.TheHolyFamilyHouse.org/Save-Our-Nation-Crusade‑1/13–1/22/23

ATTACH this hand­out to your emails.

Save our Nation Now!

CONTACT:  Your Priest/s, fel­low Catholics, Priests, Dea­cons, reli­gious com­mu­ni­ties, Pro-Life orga­ni­za­tions, Con­ser­v­a­tive Talk Radio and Orga­ni­za­tions, Your Social Media, etc.,  about this “Save Our Nation Cru­sade”.

© & All Rights Reserved, The Holy Fam­i­ly House, Feast of Our Lady of HOPE/Our Lady of Pont­main, A.D.1/17/2021.  Can be copied, gratis, with leg­i­ble attribution.