Jâ Mâ Jâ A&J
Do you like the things, that are going on now, in the U.S.? The CulÂture of Death, which perÂvades almost every area of our life? In the âland of the free and the home of the braveâ, the most danÂgerÂous place for a perÂson is in his motherâs womb. Now, increasÂingÂly, the most danÂgerÂous place for an elderÂly, sick, or handÂiÂcapped perÂson can be a medÂical, nursÂing, or hosÂpice facilÂiÂty. If we donât have the right to life, we will nevÂer be able to enjoy libÂerÂty or purÂsue happiness.
As God blessÂes or cursÂes a famÂiÂly, accordÂing to the fatherâs behavÂior, so God blessÂes or cursÂes a nation accordÂing to how its spirÂiÂtuÂal fathers, the Catholic BishÂops, behave. As the U.S. Catholic BishÂops have not effiÂcaÂciousÂly opposed the CulÂture of Death, or the Age of Filthy Hubris, The Lord is chastisÂing the U.S.
What can WE do?
First, letâs look at anothÂer counÂtry, chasÂtised by Jesus:
Jesus Christ appeared sevÂerÂal times to St. MarÂgaret Mary AlaÂcoque. âJesus told St. MarÂgaret Mary: âThe EterÂnal FatherâŠwishes to make use of the reignÂing monarch of France (Louis XIV) to proÂclaim pubÂlic devoÂtion of repaÂraÂtion to The Sacred HeartââŠIn return, Our Lord promised that the king would have His blessÂing and proÂtecÂtion from all his eneÂmies.â (http://www.thecatholic travelguide.com/ParayLeMonial.html).
When the King refused to do so, France was soon beset by wars, and 100 years latÂer, A.D. 1789, the French RevÂoÂluÂtion tore France apart and transÂformed it from a Catholic nation to a freemaÂson one.
LatÂer on, in A.D. 1871, when the GerÂmans had almost overÂrun all of France, the laity petiÂtioned the ArchÂbishÂop of Paris to enthrone Jesusâ Most Sacred Heart as King, over France. IncredÂiÂbly, the GerÂmans refrained from takÂing over France and peaceÂably left.
We recentÂly, allowed a comÂmuÂnist to be electÂed PresÂiÂdent and two comÂmuÂnists to be electÂed SenÂaÂtors from GeorÂgia. Letâs not sit by and watch the U.S. explode in a civÂil war â letâs recÂogÂnize and celÂeÂbrate Jesusâ Divine Right to reign over us and be blessed â not chasÂtised â by Him.
Have Good Priests celÂeÂbrate them for this Crusade.
PRIESTS: CelÂeÂbrate an extra Holy Mass, daiÂly, and make the CruÂsade NoveÂna, NOW, in honÂor of JanÂuÂary 22nd/23rd, Feast/s of The Espousals of Saints Mary and Joseph, when the core of The Holy FamÂiÂly was formed. They are the best modÂels of a marÂried couÂple in their totalÂly pure love for each othÂer. As Jesus lisÂtens very much to His Blessed VirÂgin ParÂents, we should go to them, and urgentÂly request their Most Holy Help to enthrone The Infant Jesusâ Most Sacred Heart, as King, over the U.S., ASAP!
Give up a food/drink, unnecÂesÂsary to good health, and offer this up for this EnthroneÂment to take place, NOW!
PresÂiÂdent Trump, Your BishÂop, USCCB PresÂiÂdent, ArchÂbishÂop TimÂoÂthy Broglio,
And urgentÂly request that they make this EnthroneÂment, Now!
This handÂout.
This web address to your list: http://www.TheHolyFamilyHouse.org/Save-Our-Nation-Crusadeâ1/13â1/22/23
ATTACH this handÂout to your emails.
CONTACT: Your Priest/s, felÂlow Catholics, Priests, DeaÂcons, reliÂgious comÂmuÂniÂties, Pro-Life orgaÂniÂzaÂtions, ConÂserÂvÂaÂtive Talk Radio and OrgaÂniÂzaÂtions, Your Social Media, etc., about this âSave Our Nation CruÂsadeâ.
© & All Rights Reserved, The Holy FamÂiÂly House, Feast of Our Lady of HOPE/Our Lady of PontÂmain, A.D.1/17/2021. Can be copied, gratis, with legÂiÂble attribution.