Do you like the things, that are going on now, in the U.S.? The Culture of Death, which pervades almost every area of our life? In the “land of the free and the home of the brave”, the most dangerous place for a person is in his mother’s womb. Now, increasingly, the most dangerous place for an elderly, sick, or handicapped person can be a medical, nursing, or hospice facility. If we don’t have the right to life, we will never be able to enjoy liberty or pursue happiness.
As God blesses or curses a family, according to the father’s behavior, so God blesses or curses a nation according to how its spiritual fathers, the Catholic Bishops, behave. As the U.S. Catholic Bishops have not efficaciously opposed the Culture of Death, or the Age of Filthy Hubris, The Lord is chastising the U.S.
What can WE do?
First, let’s look at another country, chastised by Jesus:
Jesus Christ appeared several times to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. “Jesus told St. Margaret Mary: ‘The Eternal Father…wishes to make use of the reigning monarch of France (Louis XIV) to proclaim public devotion of reparation to The Sacred Heart”…In return, Our Lord promised that the king would have His blessing and protection from all his enemies.” (http://www.thecatholic travelguide.com/ParayLeMonial.html).
When the King refused to do so, France was soon beset by wars, and 100 years later, A.D. 1789, the French Revolution tore France apart and transformed it from a Catholic nation to a freemason one.
Later on, in A.D. 1871, when the Germans had almost overrun all of France, the laity petitioned the Archbishop of Paris to enthrone Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart as King, over France. Incredibly, the Germans refrained from taking over France and peaceably left.
We recently, allowed a communist to be elected President and two communists to be elected Senators from Georgia. Let’s not sit by and watch the U.S. explode in a civil war – let’s recognize and celebrate Jesus’ Divine Right to reign over us and be blessed — not chastised — by Him.
Have Good Priests celebrate them for this Crusade.
PRIESTS: Celebrate an extra Holy Mass, daily, and make the Crusade Novena, NOW, in honor of January 22nd/23rd, Feast/s of The Espousals of Saints Mary and Joseph, when the core of The Holy Family was formed. They are the best models of a married couple in their totally pure love for each other. As Jesus listens very much to His Blessed Virgin Parents, we should go to them, and urgently request their Most Holy Help to enthrone The Infant Jesus’ Most Sacred Heart, as King, over the U.S., ASAP!
Give up a food/drink, unnecessary to good health, and offer this up for this Enthronement to take place, NOW!
President Trump, Your Bishop, USCCB President, Archbishop Timothy Broglio,
And urgently request that they make this Enthronement, Now!
This handout.
This web address to your list: http://www.TheHolyFamilyHouse.org/Save-Our-Nation-Crusade‑1/13–1/22/23
ATTACH this handout to your emails.
CONTACT: Your Priest/s, fellow Catholics, Priests, Deacons, religious communities, Pro-Life organizations, Conservative Talk Radio and Organizations, Your Social Media, etc., about this “Save Our Nation Crusade”.
© & All Rights Reserved, The Holy Family House, Feast of Our Lady of HOPE/Our Lady of Pontmain, A.D.1/17/2021. Can be copied, gratis, with legible attribution.