Prayers Daily #1

Begin, as always: In Nomine Patris, et FilĀ­ii, et SpirĀ­iĀ­tus SancĀ­ti.  Amen.                         Or In The Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Ghost/Spirit.  Amen.


(Latin ā€“ uniĀ­verĀ­sal lanĀ­guage of The Church)

(pray at 6:00 a.m., noon, & 6:00 p.m.)

V. Angelus DomiĀ­ni nunĀ­tiĀ­avĀ­it Mariae.
R. Et conĀ­cepit de SpirĀ­iĀ­tu Sancto.

Ave, Maria, graĀ­tia pleĀ­na; DomiĀ­nus Tecum:  BeneĀ­dicĀ­ta Tu in mulieribus, et BeneĀ­dicĀ­tus FrucĀ­tus VenĀ­tris Tui, Jesus. * SancĀ­ta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecĀ­caĀ­toribus, nunc et in hora morĀ­tis nosĀ­trae. Amen.

V. Ecce ancilĀ­la Domini,
R. Fiat Mihi secunĀ­dum VerĀ­bum Tuum.

Ave, Maria, graĀ­tia pleĀ­naā€¦

V. Et VerĀ­bum Caro facĀ­tum est,
R. Et habitavit in nobis.

Ave, Maria, graĀ­tia pleĀ­naā€¦

V. Ora pro nobis, SancĀ­ta Dei Genetrix,
R. Ut digĀ­ni effiĀ­ciĀ­aĀ­mur PromisĀ­sionĀ­ibus Christi.


GraĀ­tiĀ­am tuam, quaeĀ­sumus, Domine, menĀ­tibus nosĀ­tris infunde; ut qui, AngeĀ­lo nunĀ­tiante, Christi FilĀ­ii Tui IncarĀ­naĀ­tionem cogĀ­novimus, per PasĀ­sionem Eius et Crucem ad resĀ­urĀ­recĀ­tioĀ­nĀ­is gloĀ­riĀ­am perĀ­dĀ­uĀ­caĀ­mur.  Per eumĀ­dem ChrisĀ­tum Dominum nosĀ­trum.  R. Amen.

ANGELUS (EngĀ­lish)

V. The Angel of The Lord declared unto Mary.                                        R. And She conĀ­ceived of The Holy Ghost.

Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with Thee: Blessed art Thou among women, and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. * Holy Mary, MothĀ­er of God, pray for us sinĀ­ners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen.

V. Behold The HandĀ­maid of The Lord,
R. Be it done to Me accordĀ­ing to Thy Word.

Hail Mary, full of graceā€¦

V. And the Word was made Flesh,
R. And dwelt among us.

Hail Mary, full of graceā€¦

V. Pray for us, O Holy MothĀ­er of God,
R. That we may be made worĀ­thy of the PromisĀ­es of Christ.

Let us pray.

Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known The IncarĀ­naĀ­tion of Christ, Thy Son, by the mesĀ­sage of an Angel, so by His PasĀ­sion and Cross we may be brought to the gloĀ­ry of the ResĀ­urĀ­recĀ­tion. Through The Same Christ our Lord.  R. Amen.


The MornĀ­ing OfferĀ­ing                      (changed):

O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, In Union with The Most Sweet, SorĀ­rowĀ­ful, ImmacĀ­uĀ­late Holy Heart of Mary, The Holy, ComĀ­pasĀ­sionĀ­ate Heart of Joseph, and the Holy, Just Hearts of Anne and Joachim, in Union with the Most Holy SacĀ­riĀ­fice of The Mass throughĀ­out the world, I offer to Thee, and I conĀ­seĀ­crate myself this day and always to Thee my prayers, works, joys, and sufĀ­ferĀ­ings of this day, for all of The IntenĀ­tions of Thy Most Sacred Heart and those of Thy Holy, ExtendĀ­ed Family,