Saint Patrick, Apostle to Ireland (& the world):
March 17th, Novena begins 3/8:
Most Glorious Saint Patrick, Bishop and Confessor,
chosen by The Almighty to be the Apostle of Ireland,
we, the children of those to whom Thou preached The Faith of Christ, never to be renounced, hail Thee as the wonderful instrument of Godâs Mercy for the obtaining of our eternal salvation.
Most Glorious Apostle and Patron of our island,
submit to The Almighty our every temporal and spiritual want, that through Thine Intercession,
we may be relieved, in all of our necessities through life, and when called from this world to The Glory of God, we may, to Thine Honour, be found worthy of the faith that is within us, and of eternal salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(takÂen from:, All conÂtent CopyÂright DioÂcese of Cork & Ross and Fold Media Ltd © 2003)
Holy Saint Joseph, Spouse of The Blessed Virgin Mary, our Spiritual Foster Father, March 19th,
Novena begins 3/10:
A good, short Novena prayer to pray to Holy Saint Joseph when you are in need of something material is:
âBlessed Be The Name of Saint Joseph, now and forevermore!â
Pray 9 times & then pray:
âO Holy Saint Joseph, please show Thy Might, in Thy Holy Name and in Thy Holy, Extended Familyâs Name. Amen.
Offer this short, emergency novena to Saint Joseph for whatever you need.
The Seven Sorrows / Seven Joys of Saint Joseph:
Find these Sorrows and Joys in the Bible, and meditate on each one for a little while. Then, pray: âSt. Joseph, pray for me!â or âBlessed Be The Name of St. Joseph, now and forevermore!â
1st: When St. Joseph was going to leave The Blessed Virgin Mary/When Holy Archangel Gabriel announced that our Blessed Lady was pregnant with God The Son.
2nd: When St. Joseph could not provide better shelter than a stable for God The Sonâs Most Blessed Nativity/When God The Son was born.
3rd: When God The Son shed His Most Precious Blood for the first time at His Circumcision/When St. Joseph gave Him The Name: Jesus.
4th: When Holy Simeon prophesied that âa sword of sorrow would pierce our Most Blessed Ladyâs Soulâ/When he thought about the many souls, who would be saved through His Divine Foster Sonâs Most Sacred Death and Resurrection.
5th: When St. Joseph was forced to flee to Egypt with our Blessed Lady and His Divine Son/When St. Joseph thought about all of the idols of Egypt falling and breaking when they arrived there.
6th: When St. Joseph was allowed to leave Egypt, he feared for Jesusâ safety, because Archelaus was King of the Jews/When they were allowed to live in Nazareth in safety.
7th: When St. Joseph lost Jesus in the Temple for three days without knowing where our Lord had gone or why/When St. Joseph found our Lord in the Temple.
Incredible Prayer to St. Joseph (from Pieta prayer booklet):
O Holy Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before The Throne of God, we [changed from plural instead of singular] place in Thee all of our interests and desires. O, Holy Saint Joseph, do assist us by Thy powerful intercession, and obtain for us from Thy Divine Son, Jesus, all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that, having engaged here below Thy heavenly power, we may offer our thanksgiving and homage to the most Loving of Fathers [after our Lord]. O Holy Saint Joseph, we never weary contemplating Thee and Jesus asleep in Thine arms; we dare not approach while He reposes near Thy heart. Press Him in our names, and kiss His Fine, Most Sacred Head for us, and [please request that] He return [this] kiss when we draw our dying breaths. O Holy Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.
March 25th (unless transferred to another day because it lands during Holy Week or on a Sunday of Lent, etc.)
Novena begins 3/16 (normally):
The Holy Archangel Gabriel appeared to The Blessed Virgin Mary when she was 14 years old (according to Ven. Mary of Agreda). The Blessed Virgin Mary was espoused to Holy St. Joseph on January 23rd, and according to Ven. Mary of Agreda, The Blessed Virgin Mary told St. Joseph about Her Vow of Celibacy, which She had made at the age of 3, in the Temple. She had then lived as a Virgin in the Temple until She was 14, and the Elders of the Temple told Her that She needed to leave the Temple and marry, so that She could administer the estates, which Her Parents had left to Her. St. Joseph was miraculously chosen from the eligible Jewish men of the line of King David, in Jerusalem, to be Her Holy Spouse. Holy St. Joseph was 33 years old, at the time, and he had taken a temporary vow of celibacy, so he agreed to remain celibate during his Marriage with The Blessed Virgin Mary. The Blessed Virgin Mary had a lot to fear when Holy Archangel Gabriel asked Her to become The Mother of God. Holy St. Joseph could have had Her stoned to death for adultery. The only thing, which concerned Her was how She could retain Her Most Holy Virginity, which She had consecrated to God, AND become a Mother. She did not ask if this could be done â She asked HOW it could be done. There is a major mistranslation of this exchange between The Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Archangel Gabriel: It should read: âHow SHALL this be done, since I know not man?â If our Blessed Lady had really asked âHow can this be done, since I know not man?â She would have been questioning Godâs Power to do anything and would have incurred His Wrath, just as Holy Zechariah did and would have been punished for doing so. But, since our Blessed Lady had been inspired by God to offer Herself and Her Virginity in the Temple at the age of 3, She wanted to know how She would keep Her Virginity and become The Mother of God. Here is the whole conversation from St. Luke, Chapter 1, according to â the Douay-Rheims Bible, Challoner version:
[26] And in the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, [27] To a Virgin, espoused to a man, whose name was Joseph, of the House of David; and the Virginâs Name was Mary. [28] And the Angel being come in, said unto Her: Hail, Full of Grace, The Lord is with Thee: Blessed art Thou among women. [29] Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with Herself what manner of salutation this should be. [30] And the Angel said to Her: Fear not, Mary, for Thou hast found grace with God.
[31] Behold thou shalt conceive in Thy Womb, and shalt bring forth a Son; and Thou shalt call His Name Jesus. [32] He shall be great, and shall be called The Son of The Most High; and The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of David, his father; and He shall reign in the House of Jacob for ever. [33] And of His Kingdom there shall be no end. [34] And Mary said to the Angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? [35] And the Angel answering, said to Her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon Thee, and The Power of The Most High shall overshadow Thee. And, therefore, also The Holy, Which shall be born of Thee, shall be called The Son of God.
[36] And behold Thy cousin, Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: [37] Because no word shall be impossible with God. [38] And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of The Lord; be it done to me according to Thy Word. And the Angel departed from Her.
You can see the seeds for the powerful prayer of the Angelus, which used to be prayed and should still be prayed each day at 6:00 a.m., noon, and 6:00 p.m. Every Catholic churchâs bells rang at these hours to remind Catholics to pray the Angelus, and Catholics would stop wherever they were and whatever they were doing, to pray this. I believe that the Muslims copied us, but had to go one further and pray 5 times, and they used trumpets instead of bells. Get into the habit of praying the Angelus â it is a very important way for everyone and especially for laypeople to consecrate a third of each waking day to The Lord, and it organizes your day around The Lord (some of this was inspired by a sermon by a Bishop/Archbishop), as if it were a tiny âLiturgy of the Hoursâ. During my lunch break, I would pray the Angelus and Grace before eating. The devil/wacko HATES for us to pray the Angelus. This shows how efficaciously grace-filled it is to do so!
Then Angelus, found at the bottom of this page, can be prayed in honor of the Incredible Feast of The Annunciation to The Blessed Virgin Mary, and The Incarnation of God The Son in The Form of a Baby Human in Her Womb. Start praying it in a Novena for The Feast of The Annunciation/The Incarnation, which is usually on March 25th. When it lands during Holy Week or on a Sunday of Lent, it is transferred to another date, as it is so important a Feast. Be sure to get to Holy Mass on this Feast, and, if possible, pray in front of a Planned parenthood office for an end to the chemical abortions, which happen so frequently through the use of the regular birth control/ abortificaient Pill, the IUD, the Patch, Norplant, etc., let alone through Ella, Plan B, so-called emergency contraception, which is also abortifacient. See âLife Factsâ webpage on this site for more info, download it, and pass it out/leave it everywhere! Or, pray in front of a surgical abortion death mill or a hospital, which does abortions. Call a few friends, and make it a good habit to do this whenever no one else is there, so that The Lord can start blessing your cities or towns by shutting these places down and converting those, who have gone to them, and those, who have participated in this murder of babies in the womb. If you know anyone, who has had an abortion or who has facilitated, in any way, someone having an abortion, they can be forgiven and healed â God can forgive anything to anyone â He Is that BIG! Rachelâs Vineyard is a wonderful place to heal. As men are fathers of the babies, which are being aborted, they must try as hard as they can to make sure that their babies NOT be aborted, including contacting the police, taking the mother of their baby/ies to court, etc.
Abortion/legalized murder of babies has only been legal throughout the U.S. since A.D. January 22, 1973. It can and has to be illegalized once more, if we want to see our country survive. God will NOT bless our country until we stop murdering our own babies.
Begin: In Nomine Patris, et FilÂii, et SpirÂiÂtus SancÂti. Amen. (Latin â Churchâs LanÂguage)ANGELUS (6 a.m., noon, & 6 p.m.)V. Angelus DomiÂni nunÂtiÂavÂit Mariae. R.Et conÂcepit de SpirÂiÂtu SancÂto. Ave, Maria, graÂtia pleÂna; DomiÂnus Tecum: BeneÂdicÂta Tu in mulieribus, et BeneÂdicÂtus FrucÂtus VenÂtris Tui, Jesus. * SancÂta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis pecÂcaÂtoribus, nunc et in hora morÂtis nosÂtrae. Amen.V. Ecce ancilÂla Domini, R.Fiat Mihi secunÂdum VerÂbum Tuum.Ave, Maria, graÂtia pleÂnaâŠ(GenÂuÂflect) V. Et VerÂbum Caro facÂtum est, Ave, Maria, graÂtia pleÂna⊠V. Ora pro nobis, SancÂta Dei Genetrix, OreÂmus. GraÂtiÂam tuam, quaeÂsumus, Domine, menÂtibus nosÂtris infunde; ut qui, AngeÂlo nunÂtiante, Christi FilÂii Tui IncarÂnaÂtionem cogÂnovimus, per PasÂsionem Eius et Crucem ad resÂurÂrecÂtioÂnÂis gloÂriÂam perÂdÂuÂcaÂmur. Per eumÂdem ChrisÂtum Dominum nosÂtrum. R. Amen. (St. Luke 1, 26â49) |
Begin: In The Name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy SpirÂit. Amen. ANGELUS (6 a.m., noon, & 6 p.m.)V. The Angel of The Lord declared unto Mary. R.And She conÂceived of The Holy Ghost.Hail Mary, full of grace; The Lord is with Thee: Blessed art Thou among women, and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. * Holy Mary, MothÂer of God, pray for us sinÂners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.V. Behold The HandÂmaid of The Lord, R.Be it done to Me accordÂing to Thy Word.Hail Mary, full of graceâŠ(GenÂuÂflect) V. And the Word was made Flesh, R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary, full of grace⊠V. Pray for us, O Holy MothÂer of God, Let us pray. Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts; that, as we have known The IncarÂnaÂtion of Christ, Thy Son, by the mesÂsage of an Angel, so by His PasÂsion and Cross we may be brought to the gloÂry of the ResÂurÂrecÂtion. Through The Same Christ our Lord. R. Amen. (St. Luke 1, 26â49) |
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