O Infant JESUS, King of all Hearts, Reign in me and over our nation, for Thy Name’s Sake.  Amen.   (9x a day)

FACT:   Gen­e­sis 38:9–10 says that when Onan, used the “with­draw­al method” — “he shed his seed upon the ground” — “there­fore our Lord struck [killed] him, because he did a detestable thing.”FACT:   in 313 A.D. “Con­tra­cep­tives”, abor­tion, infan­ti­cide, etc., were out­lawed in the Roman Empire.  Until 1930, in Eng­land, all Chris­t­ian coun­tries did so.

FACT:   Con­cep­tion:  “the begin­ning of preg­nan­cy” The act or process of fer­til­iza­tion.” (Mosby’s Med­ical Dic­tio­nary, 6th ed., 2002)   “the enti­ty formed by the union of the male sperm and female ovum; an embryo” (Amer­i­can Her­itage Dictionary)

FACTEmbryo:  “the prod­uct of con­cep­tion [Baby] up to the 3rd month [9th week] of human preg­nan­cy” (McGraw-Hill Dic­tio­nary of Life Sci­ences, 1976)

FACT:  a Fetus, means “lit­tle one”.  “
 the devel­op­ing body in utero from the begin­ning of the 9th week after fer­til­iza­tion through the 40th week of intrauter­an ges­ta­tion, or until birth.” (McGraw-Hill Dic­tio­nary of Life Sci­ences, 1976)

FACT:  an immor­tal, human soul is placed in the Baby at Con­cep­tion.  “Con­cep­tion.  The begin­ning of human life.  From the time that an ovum is fer­til­ized a new life begins that is nei­ther that of the father nor of the moth­er.  It is rather the life of a new human being with his own growth.  It would nev­er become human if it were not human already (Sacred Con­gre­ga­tion for the Doc­trine of the Faith, Dec­la­ra­tion on Pro­cured Abor­tion, Decem­ber 5, 1974)”, (in Pock­et Catholic Dic­tio­nary, by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., pub. by Dou­ble­day, 1985)

every spir­i­tu­al soul is cre­at­ed imme­di­ate­ly by God — it is not ‘pro­duced’ by the par­ents — and also that it is immor­tal” (Cat­e­chism of The Catholic Church, #366)


FACTThe “Birth Con­trol” Pill, the “Patch”, the “Shot”, the IUD, and All Chem­i­cal “Con­tra­cep­tives” irri­tate the wall of the uterus, so that the Embryo/Baby can­not implant and nour­ish itself — it is forced out, in an Ear­ly ABORTION!


FACT:       450,000,000 BABIES were MURDERED through  USE OF THE “PILL”,  from 1965 through 1996!( — Univ. of  Mary­land Bal­ti­more County)

FACT:  On Jan­u­ary 22, 1973, in the Roe v. Wade & Doe v. Bolton cas­es, the U.S. Supreme Court legal­ized abor­tion from con­cep­tion through 1 minute before birth, for any reason!

FACT:    44,010,378 AMERICAN BABIES WERE  MURDERED BY AMERICANS THROUGH SURGICAL ABORTION:  1973 – 2002! (Cen­ter for Dis­ease Control)


APPROXIMATELY     494,000,000 AMERICAN BABIES were  MURDERED CHEMICALLY 1965–1996 & SURGICALLY 1973–2002 — we Amer­i­cans have mur­dered at least 1.75 times the cur­rent U.S. population!


FACT:  The pop­u­la­tion of the U.S. was 281,421,906, as of April of 2000 A.D., (U.S. Cen­sus web-site)

FACT2,158 AMERICANS WERE KILLED IN 9/11. (Cen­ter for Dis­ease Con­trol’s web-site)



To avoid our deserved chas­tise­ment from God, let’s pray & seri­ous­ly fast from Jan. 13th — Jan. 22nd each year in repa­ra­tion for & for an end to all mur­der of Babies, includ­ing that done in embry­on­ic stem cell “research”.  The Feasts of The Espousals of Sts. Mary and Joseph are cel­e­brat­ed on Jan. 22nd and Jan. 23rd.  They are the per­fect Mod­els for all mar­ried cou­ples to fol­low in love and puri­ty, dur­ing this age of Filthy Hubris

Let us fast & pray on Fri­days, & often for all, espe­cial­ly Amer­i­cans, to obey all of GOD’S Com­mand­ments, includ­ing against for­ni­ca­tion, adul­tery, pornog­ra­phy, homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, all per­vert­ed and impure acts, which lead to depraved lives, for the ille­gal­iza­tion of all “con­tra­cep­tion,” abor­tion and euthana­sia, once again,  & for all to stop play­ing GOD with human life.

Please print out, copy, and distribute the following handout wherever you can, to help convert others to the Culture of Life:

Life-Facts hand­out

Also, this prayer should be prayed, dai­ly, to help make up to our Lord for our sins, espe­cial­ly for those of the US against His Gift of human life to us:


“O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we offer Thee an act of reparation for the indifference often shown to Thee.  We ourselves have been inattentive many times.  Not only do we now ask Thy Pardon, but we also declare our readiness to atone both for our personal offenses and for the faults of others.  We are resolved to expiate every outrage committed against Thee.  We wish to make amends, too, for the injustices perpetrated against the poor and unprotected [especially for the Innocents in the womb].  In reparation for all violations of Thy Divine Honor and of the rights of our fellowmen, we offer The Satisfaction, Which Thou once madest to Thine Eternal Father on The Cross and which Thou continuest to renew daily on our altars.  In Union with the Faithful on earth, we will try to make recompense, as far as we can, for all neglect of Thy Great Love and for the sins we and others have committed. 

O Loving Jesus, through the intercession of The Blessed Virgin Mary [with St. Joseph, through Sts. Anne & Joachim], deign to receive our act of reparation and keep us faithful to Thee, so that we may one day come to that home, where Thou livest and reignest with The Father and The Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. Amen.”

© & All Rights Reserved, The Holy Fam­i­ly House, Life Facts hand­out orig­i­nal­ly copy­right­ed on the Feast of The Espousals of Sts. Mary and Joseph, Jan. 22, A.D. 2001.  This page updat­ed on the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe, 12/12/A.D.2010 and on.   †A.M.D.G.