Litany of The Most Precious Blood of Jesus

V.  Lord, have mercy.
R.  Christ, have mercy.

V.  Lord, have mercy. 

V. Christ, hear us. 
R. Christ, gra­cious­ly hear us.
V.  God the Father of Heav­en, R.  have mer­cy on us.
V.  God the Son, Redeemer of the world, R.  have mer­cy on us.
V.  God, the Holy Spir­it, R. have mer­cy on us.
V.  Holy Trin­i­ty, One God, R. have mer­cy on us.

V.  Blood of Christ, Incar­nate Word of God,  R.  Save us…
V.  Blood of Christ, of The New and Eter­nal Tes­ta­ment…
V.  Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in The Agony…
V.  Blood of Christ, shed pro­fuse­ly in the Scourg­ing…
V.  Blood of Christ, flow­ing forth in the Crown­ing with Thorns…
V.  Blood of Christ, poured out on The Cross…
V.  Blood of Christ, Price of our Sal­va­tion…
V.  Blood of Christ, with­out Which there is no sal­va­tion…
V.  Blood of Christ, Eucharis­tic Drink and Refresh­ment of souls…
V.  Blood of Christ, Riv­er of Mer­cy…
V.  Blood of Christ, Vic­tor over demons…
V.  Blood of Christ, Courage of Mar­tyrs…
V.  Blood of Christ, Strength of Con­fes­sors…
V.  Blood of Christ, bring­ing forth Vir­gins…
V.  Blood of Christ, Help of those in per­il…
V.  Blood of Christ, Relief of the bur­dened…
V.  Blood of Christ, Solace in sor­row…
V.  Blood of Christ, Hope of the pen­i­tent…
V.  Blood of Christ, Con­so­la­tion of the dying…
V.  Blood of Christ, Peace and Ten­der­ness of hearts…
V.  Blood of Christ, Pledge of Eter­nal Life…
V.  Blood of Christ, free­ing souls from Pur­ga­to­ry…
V.  Blood of Christ, most wor­thy of all glo­ry and hon­or…

V.  Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
V.  Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R.  Gra­cious­ly hear us, O Lord.
V.  Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
R. Have mer­cy on us.

V.  Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood,
R. And made of us a king­dom for our God.

Let Us Pray.

O Almighty and Eter­nal God, Thou hath appoint­ed Thine Only-Begot­ten Son The Redeemer of the world, and willed to be appeased by His Blood.  Grant, we beseech Thee, that we may worthi­ly adore This Price of our Sal­va­tion, and through Its Pow­er be safe­guard­ed from the evils of this present life, so that we may rejoice in Its Fruits for­ev­er in Heav­en.  Through The Same Christ our Lord.  Amen.