HELP: Take the Curses Off of The U.S.!

This let­ter to the Pres­i­dent of the U.S. Bish­ops should explain why the U.S. will not be able to move for­ward to heal the nation until our Catholic Shep­herds make up for their mor­tal sins against GOD and us. 


Good Shep­herd Sunday,

April 18, 2021

  1. Ho
    Pres­i­dent of the USCCB
    Arch­bish­op of Los Angeles
    3424 Wilshire Boulevard,
    Los Ange­les, Cal­i­for­nia 90010

Dear Arch­bish­op Gomez,

I hope that you are doing well, this East­er Season.

Since much of what was done by Church lead­ers, both hier­ar­chi­cal and lay, this past year, was reac­tive rather than proac­tive, we Catholics need to calm­ly exam­ine what was done and why.

It seems obvi­ous that the Shep­herds of the U.S. Catholic Church did not do and are not doing a good job of imi­tat­ing The Head of The Catholic Church: JESUS, The Good Shep­herd. He said:

1] I am the Good Shep­herd. The Good Shep­herd giveth his life for his sheep. [12] But the hireling, and he that is not the shep­herd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf com­ing, and leaveth the sheep, and fli­eth…”  “[13] And the hireling fli­eth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.“  (St. John:  Ch. 10,

The Catholic Church, as a whole, has nev­er shut its doors either phys­i­cal­ly or lit­er­al­ly to the Peo­ple of GOD in its almost 2,000-year exis­tence. Catholics have been taught to run to GOD for assis­tance and, espe­cial­ly in a cri­sis; yet, when the Covid 19 Virus became a con­cern, the Catholic Shepherds/ Bishops/ Priests, and Dea­cons ran and con­tin­ue to run from it.
They act­ed and act as the “hirelings”, which our LORD referenced. 

Our Shep­herds did not imi­tate at all The Good Shep­herd. In reac­tion to the Covid 19 Virus scare, the Shep­herds took the fol­low­ing actions:

1.  The Sacra­ments were no longer admin­is­tered to Catholics.

Even though one of the three major respon­si­bil­i­ties of ordained Shep­herds is to sanc­ti­fy Catholics, and the first means for this is to admin­is­ter the Sacra­ments, the Shep­herds refused to do so. Catholics, who have the right dis­po­si­tions, have a right to the Sacra­ments; yet the Shep­herds deprived them of this right.  (Canon #213)

2.  The phys­i­cal doors of churches/shrines were closed to all, includ­ing Catholics.

Catholic churches/shrines were built specif­i­cal­ly to house The Most Holy Eucharist/GOD, Him­self. Lay Catholics are not allowed to keep The Most Holy Eucharist in their own hous­es, so they need and are to be giv­en as much access to The Most Holy Eucharist as pos­si­ble, where there is no dan­ger of profanation.

3.   Catholics were and con­tin­ue to be treat­ed as being a dan­ger to the Shepherds.

a.   Since each Catholic church/shrine should house The Most Holy Eucharist in a suit­able taber­na­cle, should Catholics be afraid to be in a Catholic church or shrine?  Is not GOD, Him­self Tru­ly Present there? Is He not capa­ble of pro­tect­ing His Peo­ple and any­one else, who vis­its His House, from all dan­ger, includ­ing from sick­ness, such as the Covid 19 Virus?

b.  If and since this is so, why was there ever any need to wear masks or for social dis­tanc­ing in our church­es? Are our church­es known for Catholics catch­ing sick­ness­es from oth­ers while in our church­es or shrines? As a mat­ter of fact and his­to­ry, Catholics and oth­ers make pil­grim­ages to Catholic church­es and shrines to obtain heal­ing of all kinds, includ­ing phys­i­cal heal­ing. What has hap­pened to the Shep­herds’ faith in The Most Holy Eucharist – actions cer­tain­ly speak loud­er than words. 

c.   On top of this, the Shep­herds decid­ed that GOD can­not pro­tect Catholics, who receive Him, under either Species, either on the tongue, which is the norm of The Uni­ver­sal Church, or in the hand, from the Covid 19 Virus. Does this make any sense? Even when there were out­breaks of true plagues, which killed peo­ple imme­di­ate­ly and painful­ly, The Church did not lim­it recep­tion of The Most Holy Eucharist. Why is this being done, now?

d.  Priests are afraid to admin­is­ter Holy Com­mu­nion at all. A cer­tain Arch­bish­op direct­ed his Priests to “san­i­tize” their hands with alco­hol hand san­i­tiz­er when they admin­is­ter Holy Com­mu­nion on the tongue.
This is not done accord­ing to The Church’s reg­u­la­tions, of course. For exam­ple, when The Most Holy Eucharist is dropped, or when puri­fy­ing the sacred ves­sels, only water is used to dis­solve The Species and avoid pro­fa­na­tion. How does sec­u­lar under­stand­ing of “sci­ence” trump GOD and His True Pres­ence in The Most Holy Eucharist? 

e.  Before the Catholic Shep­herds trained their flocks to fol­low the sec­u­lar guide­lines to avoid con­tract­ing the Covid 19 Virus, I don’t think that the faith­ful would ever have been afraid to be phys­i­cal­ly present in a Catholic church/shrine. A cer­tain Arch­bish­op end­ed his dis­pen­sa­tion from the Third Com­mand­ment, but there are so many excep­tions to his dis­pen­sa­tion, that it still exempts many peo­ple from obey­ing the Third Com­mand­ment – it still shows more fear of the Covid 19 Virus than of GOD. Is this doing these Catholics a favor? Is encour­ag­ing these Catholics to avoid Holy Mass and receiv­ing JESUS/The Divine Physi­cian, in The Most Holy Eucharist, a good thing? 

The great­est prob­lem in the U.S. Catholic Church is fear­ing the Covid 19 Virus more than fear­ing offend­ing GOD. The Catholic laity does not fear this virus as much as their Shep­herds do. I would say that their faith in The Most Holy Eucharist is much greater than their Shep­herds’ faith. 

When the Shep­herds of The U.S. Church decid­ed to shut down their church­es, phys­i­cal­ly as well in all oth­er ways, they each per­son­al­ly com­mit­ted mor­tal sins against GOD by not keep­ing their com­mit­ment to serve Him first, as well as by refus­ing to serve their flocks. No one seems to have real­ized this, and they con­tin­ue to com­mit these sins. In so doing, they have cursed them­selves, their parish­es, dio­ce­ses, and, thus, the whole nation.
GOD bless­es or curs­es a nation, accord­ing to the behav­ior of its Catholic Shep­herds. Why?  Because The Catholic Church is His Church, found­ed by Him. If His Church is not lead­ing all to fol­low GOD, it reflects bad­ly on Her Founder and dis­cour­ages oth­ers from join­ing His Church, as the surest Way to Heaven.

Also, The Church is to guide the gov­ern­ment in the ways to serve — not the oth­er way around. Even more, the first right men­tioned in the U.S. Bill of Rights is the “Free­dom of Reli­gion”. Thus, even under U.S. law, no Catholic is oblig­ed to wear masks, prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing, [have] a cer­tain per­cent­age of atten­dance, etc., in any church-relat­ed activ­i­ty. State gov­er­nors have also made up their own “laws”, which could eas­i­ly be struck down, if opposed in law­suits. Why have our Shep­herds decid­ed to place obe­di­ence to gov­ern­ment guide­lines, con­cern­ing the Covid 19 Virus, over serv­ing GOD and their flocks?

Our Shep­herds, led by Your Excel­len­cy, need to do some­thing, now, to make up to GOD and their flocks, as well as the nation, for sin­ning so grave­ly against them.

 1. Sus­pend all dis­pen­sa­tion from observ­ing the Third Com­mand­ment and explain when it is nor­mal­ly allowed to miss attend­ing Holy Mass on Holy­days of Obligation.

 2. Sus­pend all obser­vance of sec­u­lar guide­lines in church-relat­ed activities.

 3. Do some­thing con­crete­ly to make up to GOD  and their flocks for their sins against them.

 a. Your Excel­len­cy should pub­licly and sacra­men­tal­ly con­fess Thy sins enu­mer­at­ed above against GOD, and against Thy Shep­herds and flocks. Your Excel­len­cy should also great­ly encour­age Thy fel­low Epis­co­pal Shep­herds, Thy Priests and Dea­cons, and all oth­ers involved in limiting/blocking access to the Sacra­ments, to do the same. 

 b. As the Most Holy Sac­ri­fice of The Mass is the most effec­tive way to please GOD and obtain peti­tions, The Mass could be cel­e­brat­ed by Your Excel­len­cy for these inten­tions: to make repa­ra­tion for all Thy sins and lead­ing Thy Priests and fel­low Shep­herds to sin against GOD and Thy flock and all of those col­lec­tive­ly in the U.S., espe­cial­ly dur­ing the Covid 19 Virus scare.

 c. As Your Excel­len­cy is Pres­i­dent of the USCCB, Thine influ­ence is greater than the major­i­ty of the oth­er Shep­herds in the U.S., Your Excel­len­cy could cel­e­brate a Nove­na of Holy Mass­es for the above inten­tions and encour­age Thy fel­low Shep­herds to cel­e­brate Holy Mass­es for the same inten­tions, on the same days, and at the same times. One more inspi­ra­tion, which I received in the Pres­ence of The Most Holy Eucharist, is that these nine Holy Mass­es could be cel­e­brat­ed in nine areas of the U.S., so as to help lift the curs­es on the U.S. and bless the whole nation. These areas could include one state in each of these areas: the North­west, the Cen­tral West, the South­west, the Mid-North, the Mid Cen­tral, the Mid-South, the North­east, the Mid-East, and the Southeast. 

I hope that I have not offend­ed Your Excel­len­cy in this let­ter, but, even though our LORD does not speak to me, He does not let me have peace until I dis­cern what He wants me to do, and I do it. Even though we are sup­posed to be cel­e­brat­ing East­er for 50 days, it occurred to me, while I was vis­it­ing The Most Holy Eucharist, that nei­ther The Church nor the nation will be able to please GOD and move for­ward, unless those respon­si­ble for offend­ing Him and lead­ing oth­ers to do so, act quick­ly to make repa­ra­tion for their mor­tal sins. 

I hope that you will not ignore this let­ter. The future of our nation depends on Your Excel­len­cy to help this nation to be blessed and not cursed by GOD.

Respect­ful­ly yours in Christ,


The above let­ter has been stripped of some specifics, and some clar­i­fi­ca­tion has been added, but not much.
The attached let­ter can be used as a mod­el for let­ters to Arch­bish­op Gomez, to oth­er Bishops/Priests/ Dea­cons or oth­ers in author­i­ty, who helped to enforce the wrong­head­ed fol­low­ing of sec­u­lar guide­lines in The Uni­ver­sal Church.

Copy­right and All Rights Reserved by The Holy Fam­i­ly House, ASCENSION THURSDAY, 5/13/2021 and on.
+A.M.D.G. Can be used gratis.