The United States of America was, as far as I know, the first country to have a secular holiday set aside to give thanks to God, and we definitely should not blow this great opportunity to glorify our Lord and express our gratitude to Him for all of the great gifts, which He has given not only to each one of us, personally, but most especially to this greatest of all countries.
Letâs begin a perpetual âNovena of Thanksgivingâ to God for the many wonderful favors, He has granted to our country, as well as to petition Him to help us change our ways to please Him and to gain eternal salvation for ourselves, our fellow countrymen, and all others:
O God, of Whose Mercies there is no number, and of Whose Goodness the Treasure is infinite; we render thanks to Thy Most Gracious Majesty for the gifts Thou hast bestowed upon us, evermore beseeching Thy Clemency, that as Thou grantest the petitions of them that ask Thee, Thou wilt never forsake them, but wilt prepare for the reward to come. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in Unity with The Holy Ghost, Ever One God, world without end. Amen.â (Mass of Thanksgiving)
âHear, O Lord, we beseech Thee, the prayers of Thy suppliants and punish not the sins of those who confess unto Thee; but in Thy Bounty grant us both forgiveness and peace. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in Unity with The Holy Ghost, Ever One God, world without end. Amen.â
âTo my hearing, [O God], Thou shalt give joy and gladness: and the bones that have been humbled shall rejoice. Alleluia.â (Mass for Remission of Sins)
The following was mentioned by a prominent talkshow host last year, and I found it on the Internet and formatted it a little. Please print out the attachment at the bottom, copy it, and distribute it to as many others, as possible.
Letâs remember that our country is suffering greatly from our inattention to and unwillingness to follow Godâs Commandments as well as for our ingratitude towards Him for all of the benefits, which He has given to us. If we do not turn to Him, now, we might not have an opportunity to do so, in the future.
By the PRESIDENT of the United States Of America
WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowlÂedge the provÂiÂdence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateÂful for His benÂeÂfits, and humbly to implore His proÂtecÂtion and favour; and WhereÂas both HousÂes of ConÂgress have, by their joint comÂmitÂtee, requestÂed me âto recÂomÂmend to the peoÂple of the UnitÂed States a DAY OF PUBLICK THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowlÂedgÂing with grateÂful hearts the many and sigÂnal favors of Almighty God, espeÂcialÂly by affordÂing them an opporÂtuÂniÂty peaceÂably to estabÂlish a form of govÂernÂment for their safeÂty and happiness:â
NOW THEREFORE, I do recÂomÂmend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devotÂed by the peoÂple of these States to the serÂvice of that great and gloÂriÂous Being who is the benefÂiÂcent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in renÂderÂing unto Him our sinÂcere and humÂble thanks for His kind care and proÂtecÂtion of the peoÂple of this counÂtry preÂviÂous to their becomÂing a nation; for the sigÂnal and manÂiÂfold merÂcies and the favorÂable interÂpoÂsiÂtions of His provÂiÂdence in the course and conÂcluÂsion of the late war; for the great degree of tranÂquilÂiÂty, union, and plenÂty which we have since enjoyed;â for the peaceÂable and ratioÂnal manÂner in which we have been enable to estabÂlish ConÂstiÂtuÂtions of govÂernÂment for our safeÂty and hapÂpiÂness, and parÂticÂuÂlarÂly the nationÂal one now lateÂly instiÂtutÂed;â for the civÂil and reliÂgious libÂerÂty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquirÂing and difÂfusÂing useÂful knowlÂedge;â and, in genÂerÂal, for all the great and varÂiÂous favours which He has been pleased to conÂfer upon us.
And also, that we may then unite in most humbly offerÂing our prayers and supÂpliÂcaÂtions to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to parÂdon our nationÂal and othÂer transÂgresÂsions;â to enable us all, whether in pubÂlick or priÂvate staÂtions, to perÂform our sevÂerÂal and relÂaÂtive duties propÂerÂly and puncÂtuÂalÂly; to renÂder our NationÂal GovÂernÂment a blessÂing to all the peoÂple by conÂstantÂly being a GovÂernÂment of wise, just, and conÂstiÂtuÂtionÂal laws, disÂcreetÂly and faithÂfulÂly exeÂcutÂed and obeyed; to proÂtect and guide all sovÂerÂeigns and nations (espeÂcialÂly such as have shewn kindÂness unto us); and to bless them with good govÂernÂments, peace, and conÂcord; to proÂmote the knowlÂedge and pracÂtice of true reliÂgion and virtue, and the increase of sciÂence among them and us; and, genÂerÂalÂly to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temÂpoÂral prosÂperÂiÂty as he alone knows to be best.
GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New-York, the third day of OctoÂber, in the year of our Lord, one thouÂsand sevÂen hunÂdred and eighty-nine.
(signed) G. Washington
Source: The MassÂaÂchuÂsetts SenÂtinel, WednesÂday, OctoÂber 14, 1789
(takÂen from:
CopyÂright and All Rights Reserved, The Holy FamÂiÂly House. Feast of our Lady MothÂer of Grace, A.D. 2/7/2012. Can be printÂed & disÂtribÂuted GRATIS ONLY, with clearÂly legÂiÂble copyÂright info.