request that] he return [this] kiss when we draw our dying breaths. O Holy Saint Joseph, Patron of departÂing souls, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer of St. BrothÂer Andre BesÂsette to Saint Joseph â very powerful
O Good Saint Joseph of [Ville Marie], grant us what Thou wouldst ask if Thou wert in our place on earth with a numerÂous, [Catholic] famÂiÂly and numerÂous finanÂcial difÂfiÂculÂties to overÂcome. O Good Saint Joseph of [Ville Marie], be our help; hearÂken to our prayer. ExpandÂed Prayer to St. Joseph, Patron of a HapÂpy Death:
O Holy Saint Joseph, Holy, VirÂgin FosÂter Father and ProÂtecÂtor of our Lord, Jesus Christ, True, Chaste, CeliÂbate Spouse of The Most Blessed VirÂgin Mary, Blessed Head of The Holy FamÂiÂly, pray for us and for those, who will die this day and night. Amen. Guardian Angel Prayer
O Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His Love comÂmits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen. Prayer refÂerÂencÂing Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.âs Names for our Guardian Angel
O Angel of Faith, Peace, Prayer, Penance, and of BapÂtismal PromisÂes, pray for me, proÂtect me, and guide me and all souls to Heaven. ComÂmuÂnion of Saints Prayer O Holy Souls, O Holy, Great Saints, whose names I bear, and all of Ye Holy Angels and Saints, pray for me, proÂtect me, that like Thee I may serve our Lord Alone here on earth and magÂniÂfy our Lord everÂlastÂingÂly with Thee in Heaven.
Short Litany to our Lady O Mary, MothÂer of Good CounÂsel, give me good counsel. |
O Mary, our Lady of VicÂtoÂry, grant me the vicÂtoÂry. O Mary, our Lady of Good RemÂeÂdy, grant me the remÂeÂdy. O Mary, our Lady of Good SucÂcess, grant me sucÂcess in all things for the greater gloÂry of God. O Mary, our Lady of CzesteÂchowa, pray for me, proÂtect me, help me and all souls to imiÂtate Thee; guide me and all souls to HeavÂen. O Mary, our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for the unborn and us, proÂtect them and us; help them and us. O Mary, our Lady of AmerÂiÂca, help me and all AmerÂiÂcans to be truÂly pure and to help all othÂers be pure in heart, soul, mind, body, and in intenÂtion, and guide AmerÂiÂca back to Thee. O Mary, Help of ChrisÂtians, help me and all souls to be holy, Catholic ChrisÂtians. O Mary, our Lady, whose Feast day this is, pray for me, proÂtect me, help me and all souls to imiÂtate Thee, and guide me and all souls to HeavÂen. Amen.
Old Prayer to St. Michael: St. Michael, St. Michael, Angel of Light. In this grave moment show forth Thy might. (3 times). Pray the above prayer nine times in a short noveÂna or conÂtinÂuÂalÂly when you are face to face with an eneÂmy, are conÂfrontÂed with a strong tempÂtaÂtion, etc. Make the Sign of The Cross: In Nomine Patris, et FilÂii, et SpirÂiÂtus SancÂti. Amen. Or In The Name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy SpirÂit. Amen.Give thanks to The Lord, for He Is Good; His MerÂcy endures forÂevÂer. Amen. O Holy God, Thou Art Good all of the time. Amen. © & All Rights Reserved, from A.D. 2010 on, The Holy FamÂiÂly House. It can be reprintÂed & disÂtribÂuted gratis, if credÂit is givÂen or copyÂright inforÂmaÂtion is includÂed. â A.M.D.G. |