Prayers Daily #2

for all of those, which I have placed before Thee, should place before Thee, and will place before Thee, Thy Holy, Extend­ed Fam­i­ly and all oth­ers, past, present, and future, in Thy Most Sacred Name and in Thy Holy, Extend­ed Family’s Name. Amen.

A Fati­ma Prayer  of Repa­ra­tion       (changed):

O Most Holy Trin­i­ty, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spir­it, I adore Thee pro­found­ly.  I offer Thee The Most Sacred Heart ofJe­sus, Tru­ly Present in all of the Taber­na­cles through­out the world, in repa­ra­tion for all of the out­rages, sac­ri­leges, and indif­fer­ences by which He Ist offend­ed.  By The Infi­nite Mer­its of His Most Sacred Heart, The Most Sweet, Sor­row­ful, Immac­u­late Heart of Mary, The Holy, Com­pas­sion­ate Heart of Joseph, and the Just Hearts of Anne and Joachim, I beg the con­ver­sion of poor sin­ners, idol­aters, the dying, those, who die this day, espe­cial­ly those, who would die a sud­den or unpro­vid­ed death, oth­er­wise, those in Thy Holy, Extend­ed Family’s, Inten­tions, those with whom I have and will come in to con­tact, those men­tioned in my pres­ence, and all of my past, present, and future inten­tions, and all souls.  In Thy Most Sacred Name and in Thy Holy, Extend­ed Family’s Name. Amen.

Holy God

Holy God, Be in my mind and in my think­ing;                            Holy God, Be in my eyes and in my look­ing;                              Holy God, Be in my mouth     and in my speak­ing;                       Holy God, Be in my heart and in my under­stand­ing. Amen.


The Mem­o­rare       (changed):

Remem­ber, O Most Gra­cious Vir­gin, Queen, and Moth­er Mary, that nev­er was it known that any­one, who fled to Thy Pro­tec­tion, Implored Thy Help, and sought Thine Inter­ces­sion, was left for­sak­en. Inspired by this con­fi­dence, I fly unto Thee, O Blessed Vir­gin of vir­gins, my Moth­er.  To Thee do I come, before Thee, I kneel, I’m sin­ful and sor­row­ful.  O Blessed

Moth­er of The Word Incar­nate, despise not my peti­tions, but in Thy Holy Clemen­cy, hear and answer me. Amen.

Dai­ly Con­se­cra­tion Prayer  of St. Louis M. de Montfort

I, ____________ (your name), a faith­less sin­ner, renew and rat­i­fy this day and always in Thy Hands the vows of my Bap­tism; I renounce for­ev­er Satan, his pomps and works [and lies], and I give myself entire­ly to Jesus Christ, The Incar­nate Wis­dom, to car­ry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faith­ful to Him than I have ever been before.  In the pres­ence of all of the Heav­en­ly Court I choose Thee this day [and always] for my Moth­er and Mis­tress.  I deliv­er and con­se­crate to Thee as Thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, both inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or, and even the val­ue of all of my good actions, past present and future; leav­ing to Thee the entire and full right of dis­pos­ing of me, and of all that belongs to me, with­out excep­tion, accord­ing to Thy good plea­sure for the greater glo­ry of God, in time and in eter­ni­ty.  [In Thy Most Holy Name and in Thy Holy, Extend­ed Family’s Name.]  Amen.

Incred­i­ble Prayer to St. Joseph (from Pieta prayer booklet)

O Holy Saint Joseph, whose pro­tec­tion is so great, so strong, so prompt before The Throne of God, we [changed from plur­al instead of sin­gu­lar] place in Thee all of our nter­ests and desires.  Oh, Holy Saint Joseph, do assist us by Thy  pow­er­ful inter­ces­sion, and obtain for us from Thy Divine Son, Jesus, all spir­i­tu­al bless­ings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that, hav­ing engaged here below Thy heav­en­ly pow­er, we may offer our thanks­giv­ing and homage to the most Lov­ing of Fathers [after our Lord].  O Holy Saint Joseph, we nev­er weary con­tem­plat­ing Thee and Jesus asleep in Thy arms; we dare not approach while He repos­es near Thy heart.  Press Him in our names, and kiss His Fine, Most Sacred Head for us, and [please request that] He return