for all of those, which I have placed before Thee, should place before Thee, and will place before Thee, Thy Holy, ExtendÂed FamÂiÂly and all othÂers, past, present, and future, in Thy Most Sacred Name and in Thy Holy, ExtendÂed Familyâs Name. Amen.
A FatiÂma Prayer of RepaÂraÂtion (changed): O Most Holy TrinÂiÂty, The Father, The Son, and The Holy SpirÂit, I adore Thee proÂfoundÂly. I offer Thee The Most Sacred Heart ofJeÂsus, TruÂly Present in all of the TaberÂnaÂcles throughÂout the world, in repaÂraÂtion for all of the outÂrages, sacÂriÂleges, and indifÂferÂences by which He Ist offendÂed. By The InfiÂnite MerÂits of His Most Sacred Heart, The Most Sweet, SorÂrowÂful, ImmacÂuÂlate Heart of Mary, The Holy, ComÂpasÂsionÂate Heart of Joseph, and the Just Hearts of Anne and Joachim, I beg the conÂverÂsion of poor sinÂners, idolÂaters, the dying, those, who die this day, espeÂcialÂly those, who would die a sudÂden or unproÂvidÂed death, othÂerÂwise, those in Thy Holy, ExtendÂed Familyâs, IntenÂtions, those with whom I have and will come in to conÂtact, those menÂtioned in my presÂence, and all of my past, present, and future intenÂtions, and all souls. In Thy Most Sacred Name and in Thy Holy, ExtendÂed Familyâs Name. Amen. Holy God Holy God, Be in my mind and in my thinkÂing; Holy God, Be in my eyes and in my lookÂing; Holy God, Be in my mouth and in my speakÂing; Holy God, Be in my heart and in my underÂstandÂing. Amen.
The MemÂoÂrare (changed): RememÂber, O Most GraÂcious VirÂgin, Queen, and MothÂer Mary, that nevÂer was it known that anyÂone, who fled to Thy ProÂtecÂtion, Implored Thy Help, and sought Thine InterÂcesÂsion, was left forÂsakÂen. Inspired by this conÂfiÂdence, I fly unto Thee, O Blessed VirÂgin of virÂgins, my MothÂer. To Thee do I come, before Thee, I kneel, Iâm sinÂful and sorÂrowÂful. O Blessed |
MothÂer of The Word IncarÂnate, despise not my petiÂtions, but in Thy Holy ClemenÂcy, hear and answer me. Amen.
DaiÂly ConÂseÂcraÂtion Prayer of St. Louis M. de Montfort I, ____________ (your name), a faithÂless sinÂner, renew and ratÂiÂfy this day and always in Thy Hands the vows of my BapÂtism; I renounce forÂevÂer Satan, his pomps and works [and lies], and I give myself entireÂly to Jesus Christ, The IncarÂnate WisÂdom, to carÂry my cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more faithÂful to Him than I have ever been before. In the presÂence of all of the HeavÂenÂly Court I choose Thee this day [and always] for my MothÂer and MisÂtress. I delivÂer and conÂseÂcrate to Thee as Thy slave, my body and soul, my goods, both inteÂriÂor and exteÂriÂor, and even the valÂue of all of my good actions, past present and future; leavÂing to Thee the entire and full right of disÂposÂing of me, and of all that belongs to me, withÂout excepÂtion, accordÂing to Thy good pleaÂsure for the greater gloÂry of God, in time and in eterÂniÂty. [In Thy Most Holy Name and in Thy Holy, ExtendÂed Familyâs Name.] Amen. IncredÂiÂble Prayer to St. Joseph (from Pieta prayer booklet) O Holy Saint Joseph, whose proÂtecÂtion is so great, so strong, so prompt before The Throne of God, we [changed from plurÂal instead of sinÂguÂlar] place in Thee all of our nterÂests and desires. Oh, Holy Saint Joseph, do assist us by Thy powÂerÂful interÂcesÂsion, and obtain for us from Thy Divine Son, Jesus, all spirÂiÂtuÂal blessÂings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that, havÂing engaged here below Thy heavÂenÂly powÂer, we may offer our thanksÂgivÂing and homage to the most LovÂing of Fathers [after our Lord]. O Holy Saint Joseph, we nevÂer weary conÂtemÂplatÂing Thee and Jesus asleep in Thy arms; we dare not approach while He reposÂes near Thy heart. Press Him in our names, and kiss His Fine, Most Sacred Head for us, and [please request that] He return |