Play the above, so that everyone understands what they are doing during Advent and why.
ADVENT = THECOMINGOFTHELORD: His First Coming as a Babe in a manger. Each year, during Advent, we recommemorate our LORDJESUS’ Coming to us in The Form of a Baby Human, while still remaining GOD. Since our LORD neither wants nor needs anything material from us, for His Birthday Gifts, we need to give Him something, which He really wants — our CONVERSION of heart. We can accomplish this through ACTS of MORTIFICATION, ALMSGIVING, AND extra PRAYER, OR “M/A/P to The Manger”.
Print out the ATTACHMENT below for more info.
GIVEOUT the “M/A/P” to each family member, or if you are single, put it on your refrigerator, bulletin board, or work cubicle wall.
GIVEITOUT/E‑MAILIT/put it out on social media,… to fellow parishioners, friends, neighbors, relatives, to anyone, who will use it. Put it in with your ChristMass cards, if you send them before ChristMass.
FOLLOWTHE “M/A/P” to ChristMASS, so that you will please our LORD by changing your heart, celebrating a Joyful ChristMass Feast, in honor of our LORD’S Birthday, and enjoying 40 days of ChristMass Peace, Love, and Joy!
*“As the Catholic Encyclopedia notes, ‘Advent is a period beginning with the Sunday nearest to the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (30 November) and embracing four Sundays.” …the First Sunday of Advent can fall as early as November 27 or as late as December 3.”