Pen­te­costal Novena
A.D. 5/22/2020,

Open Let­ter to Each Catholic Bishop/Priest, Who Has Coop­er­at­ed or Is Coop­er­at­ing with the PMB:

I hope that Your Excel­len­cy is feel­ing the neg­a­tive effects of Your Excel­len­cy’s PMB.  The Lord is about to low­er the boom on Your Excel­len­cy and on every­one else, who has been com­plic­it in depriv­ing Catholics of full access to the Sacra­ments, even dur­ing the most sacred peri­ods of the litur­gi­cal year, includ­ing much of Lent, all of Holy Week, EASTER, and DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY!

Accord­ing to Jesus’ instruc­tions to His Apos­tles, after the Last Sup­per, Your Excel­len­cy and every oth­er Bish­op and Priest are to serve the Peo­ple of God as Ser­vant-Mas­ters, not as tyrants, who have no love for their “sub­jects”. 

Your Excel­len­cy and all Ordi­nar­ies and Priests were ordained to serve us and to guide us in all ways to Heav­en.  Your Excel­len­cy is instead lead­ing us to hell — does Your Excel­len­cy real­ly think that God will put up with this egre­gious treat­ment of His Peo­ple much longer?  If so, Your Excel­len­cy is great­ly mis­tak­en — just take a look at the weath­er, and pre­pare Your­self for worse.  GOD con­trols the weath­er and whether there is plen­ty or want in the land.  There are already bread lines in Las Vegas — would any­one have believed it could hap­pen in the 21st Century?!

Since we Catholics receive GOD, Him­self, in Holy Com­mu­nion, we NEVER have to wor­ry about get­ting germs from any­one or any­thing!  If we do, then we are not receiv­ing GOD, we are receiv­ing plain bread and wine! 

When we Catholics go to The Most Holy Sac­ri­fice of The Mass, we are in The Pres­ence of and in the House of God — He does not allow us to spread sick­ness to each oth­er, or we would nev­er have gath­ered togeth­er to pray dur­ing the plague or any oth­er con­ta­gious dis­ease or ill­ness, as we always have, since The Church’s Foun­da­tion in A.D. 33!

I sur­mise that Your Excel­len­cy believes more in the Nov­el Coro­na Virus and its puny pow­er than in GOD The Almighty’s Infi­nite Pow­er.  Oth­er than this and pos­si­bly want­i­ng to please city, state, and fed­er­al gov­ern­ment offi­cials, I can­not com­pre­hend Your Excel­len­cy’s Pub­lic Mass Block-out (PMB).

There is NO his­tor­i­cal prece­dent for or any canon­i­cal law, which sup­ports what Your Excel­len­cy has done.  As The Lord bless­es or curs­es a dio­cese in all ways, accord­ing to how good or bad its spir­i­tu­al Father/the Bish­op is, Your Excel­len­cy’s actions have not only hurt the Faith­ful but also every­one else in the diocese.

I strong­ly pro­pose that all of the Catholics in the U.S. and through­out The Church Uni­ver­sal, wher­ev­er they are being deprived of any of the Sacra­ments — espe­cial­ly of Holy Mass and Its Fruit, Holy Com­mu­nion, deprive the Bishop/Ordinary of their par­tic­u­lar dio­cese, along with all dioce­san enti­ties, and Priests, of all dona­tions until they admin­is­ter all of the Sacra­ments and pro­vide all of the ser­vices, as they should. 


I pray that Your Excel­len­cy ends the PMB now and that Ascen­sion THURSDAY and Pen­te­cost, as well as all oth­er Sundays/Holydays of Oblig­a­tion are cel­e­brat­ed well, with full access to all of the Sacra­ments, by the Faith­ful, as should have been the case all along.

May Your Excel­len­cy soon begin act­ing, as The Good Shep­herd desires and not as the dev­il desires.

Respect­ful­ly In Christ,

Eliz­a­beth McCullough


P.S. Please con­fess the mor­tal sins of hav­ing blocked so many Catholics from ful­fill­ing their Sun­day oblig­a­tions and from jump­start­ing their lives on Divine Mer­cy Sunday!

Sent with Holy Archangel Gabriel.

Copy­right and All Rights Reserved, The Holy Fam­i­ly House, Feast of our Lady of Mir­a­cles, of Bres­cia, Italy, A.D. 5/23/2020. Can be copied and dis­trib­uted gratis only, when leg­i­ble attri­bu­tion is included.