(© & ® of above picture, by The Holy Family House, A.D. 2017 and on).
Why is it so important, that we know and promote the knowledge that The Blessed Virgin Mother Mary was conceived without sin? Why couldn’t She have had original sin on Her Soul when She was conceived in Saint Anne’s womb?
The dignity of The Mother bears on The Dignity of Her Son. To put it simply: God and sin do NOT mix — they are totally opposed One with the other. God The Son Is Infinitely Holy, and He did NOT change when He took the Form of a Human Being — instead, He became a Perfectly Holy, God-Man, with no shadow of sin on His Most Sacred Soul.
As God sees all things in Heaven at the same time, for all eternity — there is no time, there — He knew for forever, that His Son was going to take the Form of a Human Being, be born of a Blessed Virgin Mother, live, suffer, and die, to make up for the sin of pride and disobedience of Adam. Therefore, God The Son applied, in advance, The Infinite Merits of His Most Sacred Death on The Cross to His Blessed Mother, when She was conceived in the womb, and, thus, He preservjoed Her from all stain of original sin — He redeemed Her in advance. She was also, according to Venerable John Hardon, S.J., confirmed in grace, so that She was, as the Saints are in Heaven. She could not sin or betray our Lord, as Eve had done. She still had free will, but She could choose only from different good actions and not from any bad actions. She cooperated completely with all of the graces, with which our Lord enriched Her, even in the womb of St. Anne, according to Venerable Mary of Agreda, in her wonderful Mystical City of God volumes.
According to St. Louis de Montfort, the more we know The Blessed Virgin Mary, the more we know Her Son, Jesus, Whom She was created to mother. There were no father’s genes involved in the Creation of God The Son’s Most Sacred Body — only The Blessed Virgin Mother’s genes were used. God would never have made His Most Sacred Body from a sinful woman’s genes — it doesnkoko’t even make sense. Catholics have known this from the foundation of The Church. It was already an inerrant teaching/doctrine of The Church even before the Dogma of The Immaculate Conception was decreed by the Pope in A.D. 1854 and confirmed through our Most Blessed Lady’s Apparition at Lourdes. As a matter of fact, The Blessed Virgin had already appeared in A.D. 1830 in France to St. Catherine Laboure and had given her the Medal of The Immaculate Conception. This medal is now known as the Miraculous Medal, because of all of the miracles, which began taking place when people wore it around their necks, prayed once the “Hail, Mary” and the prayer on the medal: “O Mary, Conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to Thee” (3 times in honor of The Most Holy Trinity). St. Catherine Laboure said that we were to ask The Blessed Virgin Mary for “all of the graces of which we stand in need” — then, we can request other miracles, all as God wills.
Even in the United States, The Immaculate Conception has been very well known and very much petitioned. As a matter of fact, even before the Dogma of The Immaculate Conception was decreed, the U.S. Bishops had decided, that they needed Her Mantle to be placed over this country:
“In the year 1846, on May 10, the Fourth Sunday after Easter, Archbishop Samuel Eccleston and twenty-two bishops of the United mpStates were gathered in the city of Baltimore, in the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, for the opening of the First Session of the Sixth Provincial Council of Baltimore. Archbishop Eccleston offered up a Solemn Holy Mass, and Bishop Purcell of Cincinnati preached an appropriate sermon. The ecclesiastical province of Baltimore at this time comprised the whole United States, and hence the Sixth Provincial Council was able to issue decrees for the entire country. On May 13 the bishops of the United States, who were gathered in the residence of the Archbishop and under his chairmanship for the third private meeting of the Council, which began at nine in the morning, adopted a decree by which they chose The Blessed Virgin Mary, Conceived without sin, as Patroness of the United States.”
(taken from: http://www.ewtn.com/library/HOMELIBR/LANDMARY.HTM, which used as resource: LAND OF MARY IMMACULATE, by Marion A. Habig, O.F.M.)
If there is any time when we need to turn to the Patroness of the United States of America for aid, it is NOW. She is the only one holding back Her Son’s Avenging Arm from striking us down, for our disobeying His Laws concerning marriage, family, contraception, abortion/baby-killing, euthanasia, homosexuality,… If we do not plead fervently and constantly, NOW, for our Church, here in the U.S., as well as for our fellow countrymen, especially those in power, we will not have any country left — certainly not a democratic republic, built on a creedal Constitution and capitalism. We will not have any freedoms worth having if we allow this “regime”, which is currently in power “the Deep State”, to continue to lead us into slavery and poverty.
TO BECOME A CRUSADER FOR MMOMM: IMMEDIATELY buy Miraculous Medals for you, your Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious, your family, your relatives, your friends, your fellow parishioners, your students, your colleagues,…, have them blessed by a good Priest, give the medal to them, and tell them what to pray, and have them pray each day, at least, for the conversion and eternal salvation of all Catholic leaders, Catholics, and for all Americans to begin obeying our Lord’s Commandments, once again.
Then, since devotion to The Blessed Virgin Mary, leads to worship of Her Son, be sure to enthrone The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus over yourself, your family, your business, your organization, your parish (through your Pastor), your diocese (through your Bishop), your country (through Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles)…, so that Jesus will reign in our hearts and begin blessing this country, once again. (See: http://www.fisheaters.com/sh.html)
© & ®, by The Holy Family House, A.D. 2013 and on.