Enthrone The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as King over you (if you are single), and, if possible, over your family. Do this for your business, office, non-profit, school, hospital, etc., as well. In this way, you are recognizing that Jesus Is indeed King of the universe, of the world, of all hearts and that you want Him to reign in your heart and in those of the people most important to you. You show everyone that Jesus comes first in your life, even before your family and your country. Jesus makes great promises to those, who do this. In this chaotic, violent world, Jesus brings order and peace. If we take back society one person/one family at a time, through the Enthronement of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus as King, peace will truly reign, in the end. As we have become a very unChristian society, there will be a backlash, but nothing that is good, is ever easy, and, if we keep our goal in mind — HEAVEN — we will not have as hard of a time persevering.
How do I make the Enthronement? Normally, you make an appointment with a good Priest to come to your home or office, and you make sure that as many family members or employees are there, as possible. You will want to have a mantle, an end table, or a bureau in the living room, upon which you can place an appropriate table covering and representation of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. You will need to have at least an electric candle and some flowers or plant set up on this table — you are making a small shrine for our Lord. You will need to have a large, beautiful portrait/picture or statue of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (and Immaculate Heart of Mary, as well as St. Joseph). You will want to place photos of those loved ones, who are not present, on the shrine, in front of Jesus. You will want to order a certificate from: http://www.sscc-usa.org/pages/ministries/Enthronement-of-The-Sacred-Heart/ The program for this Enthronement, can also be obtained from the above Enthronement Center. Basically, the Priest will take the portrait/ picture or statue in procession around the property, into every room, claiming every inch for Jesus Christ The King. You will pray and sing. Then, if you or the Priest has a certificate, it will be signed by you and those present. Maybe, you can serve some refreshments or enjoy dinner together, afterwards.
The point of this Enthronement is to consecrate you and your family/ business to Jesus Christ The King’s Most Sacred Heart, to place yourselves under His Authority, under His Protection, asking for His Providence to sustain and guide you here on earth to Heaven with Him. Family/group prayer should be done at least on Thursday evenings and Sundays, as well as on special occasions, such as birthdays, anniversaries, times of crisis, etc., in front of the family shrine. Each Friday, the Feasts of The Sacred Heart, Corpus Christi, and Christ The King are very important to celebrate well. Each person should write on a small piece of paper, those things, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical/material, with which he wants Christ The King to help, and these pieces of paper should be placed under the portrait/picture or statue. These petitions will thus be placed before the Throne of Christ The King in Heaven.
It is also indispensable to consecrate yourself and your family/business to The Immaculate Heart of Mary, as She is our Mother and our Mediatrix of all graces. Apply once again to the abovementioned Enthronement Center to find the ritual for this Consecration. Also, to complete The Holy Family, I would ask the Priest to consecrate you and your family/business to the Compassionate, Just Heart of Joseph, Head of The Holy Family, our Patron, Provider, and Protector. You could use the following words: “O Joseph, Most Holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, help us by Thy prayers in all of our necessities both of body and soul, that, together with The Blessed Virgin Mary and Thyself, we shall praise and thank Christ Jesus, our Divine Redeemer.”
(taken from “An Act of Consecration to The Holy Family”, approved by the Vatican to enroll a family in the Archconfraternity of The Holy Family, instituted by Pope Leo XIII.)
copyright & All Rights Reserved: The Holy Family House, Feast of our Lady of Oropa, A.D. 10/29/2011.