At the core of The Mes­sage of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, is Charity/ Sac­ri­fi­cial Love.  Since God made us for Him­self, not for our­selves or for oth­ers, we are only tru­ly at peace when we are close to God or in union with Him.  Our Lord has inspired in many Saints a great devo­tion to His Most Sacred Heart.  Our Lord appeared many times to Sainte Mar­guerite Marie Ala­coque, in France, and gave her a pro­gram of devo­tion, which He desired that she prop­a­gate to oth­ers.  In return for those, who prac­tice this devo­tion, our Lord made many won­der­ful promis­es, which, of course, He will keep.  Even­tu­al­ly, these many Promis­es were boiled down to the “Twelve Promis­es of the “Nine First Fridays”.

In order to ful­fill the require­ments for the Nine First Fri­days and thus gain the won­der­ful ben­e­fits of doing so, one must be Catholic.  Also, it is nec­es­sary to be in a state of grace/friendship with God, with no mor­tal sin on one’s soul.  Then, one must receive Holy Com­mu­nion on the First Fri­day of each month, for nine con­sec­u­tive months, and, each time, one must offer this Holy Com­mu­nion up to God in repa­ra­tion for all sins com­mit­ted against The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  It is much eas­i­er to do this if one goes to dai­ly Holy Mass, because the dev­il is very busy try­ing to make sure that those, who wish to make these First Fri­days, have to over­come great obsta­cles to do so.

Now, as for the won­der­ful Promis­es, which one will receive through mak­ing the Nine First Fri­days, here are some of them (“they” and “their” have been replaced by you/your):

  • He will give you all of the graces nec­es­sary in your state of life. 
  • He will estab­lish peace in your homes. 
  • He will com­fort you in all of your afflictions. 
  • He will be your secure refuge dur­ing life, and above all, in death. 
  • He will bestow abun­dant bless­ings upon all of your undertakings. 
  • Sin­ners will find in His Heart the source and infi­nite Ocean of Mercy. 
  • Luke­warm souls shall become fervent. 
  • Fer­vent souls shall quick­ly mount to high perfection. 
  • He will bless every place in which an image of His Heart is exposed and honored. 
  • He will give to priests the gift of touch­ing the most hard­ened hearts. 
  • Those of you, who shall pro­mote this devo­tion, shall have your names writ­ten in His Heart. 
  • In the exces­sive mer­cy of His Heart, His all-pow­er­ful Love will grant to all of you, who receive Holy Com­mu­nion on the First Fri­days in nine con­sec­u­tive months, the grace of final per­se­ver­ance; you shall not die in His dis­grace, nor with­out receiv­ing your sacra­ments.  His Divine Heart shall be your safe refuge in this last moment (when the dev­il sends all avail­able demons to get you to doubt God’s Love and Mer­cy, to refuse to repent of your sins, and, thus, die with­out God). Tak­en from: http://www.fisheaters.com/sh.html.

Copy­right and All Rights Reserved, The Holy Fam­i­ly House.  Feast of our Moth­er of Grace, A.D. 2/7/2012 and on.  Can be print­ed & dis­trib­uted GRATIS, with attri­bu­tion (copy­right info).   +A.M.D.G.