At the core of The MesÂsage of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, is Charity/ SacÂriÂfiÂcial Love. Since God made us for HimÂself, not for ourÂselves or for othÂers, we are only truÂly at peace when we are close to God or in union with Him. Our Lord has inspired in many Saints a great devoÂtion to His Most Sacred Heart. Our Lord appeared many times to Sainte MarÂguerite Marie AlaÂcoque, in France, and gave her a proÂgram of devoÂtion, which He desired that she propÂaÂgate to othÂers. In return for those, who pracÂtice this devoÂtion, our Lord made many wonÂderÂful promisÂes, which, of course, He will keep. EvenÂtuÂalÂly, these many PromisÂes were boiled down to the âTwelve PromisÂes of the âNine First Fridaysâ.
In order to fulÂfill the requireÂments for the Nine First FriÂdays and thus gain the wonÂderÂful benÂeÂfits of doing so, one must be Catholic. Also, it is necÂesÂsary to be in a state of grace/friendship with God, with no morÂtal sin on oneâs soul. Then, one must receive Holy ComÂmuÂnion on the First FriÂday of each month, for nine conÂsecÂuÂtive months, and, each time, one must offer this Holy ComÂmuÂnion up to God in repaÂraÂtion for all sins comÂmitÂted against The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is much easÂiÂer to do this if one goes to daiÂly Holy Mass, because the devÂil is very busy tryÂing to make sure that those, who wish to make these First FriÂdays, have to overÂcome great obstaÂcles to do so.
Now, as for the wonÂderÂful PromisÂes, which one will receive through makÂing the Nine First FriÂdays, here are some of them (âtheyâ and âtheirâ have been replaced by you/your):
- He will give you all of the graces necÂesÂsary in your state of life.
- He will estabÂlish peace in your homes.
- He will comÂfort you in all of your afflictions.
- He will be your secure refuge durÂing life, and above all, in death.
- He will bestow abunÂdant blessÂings upon all of your undertakings.
- SinÂners will find in His Heart the source and infiÂnite Ocean of Mercy.
- LukeÂwarm souls shall become fervent.
- FerÂvent souls shall quickÂly mount to high perfection.
- He will bless every place in which an image of His Heart is exposed and honored.
- He will give to priests the gift of touchÂing the most hardÂened hearts.
- Those of you, who shall proÂmote this devoÂtion, shall have your names writÂten in His Heart.
- In the excesÂsive merÂcy of His Heart, His all-powÂerÂful Love will grant to all of you, who receive Holy ComÂmuÂnion on the First FriÂdays in nine conÂsecÂuÂtive months, the grace of final perÂseÂverÂance; you shall not die in His disÂgrace, nor withÂout receivÂing your sacraÂments. His Divine Heart shall be your safe refuge in this last moment (when the devÂil sends all availÂable demons to get you to doubt Godâs Love and MerÂcy, to refuse to repent of your sins, and, thus, die withÂout God). TakÂen from:
CopyÂright and All Rights Reserved, The Holy FamÂiÂly House. Feast of our MothÂer of Grace, A.D. 2/7/2012 and on. Can be printÂed & disÂtribÂuted GRATIS, with attriÂbuÂtion (copyÂright info). +A.M.D.G.