(Above image is of The Holy, Extended Family, including Saints Anne and Joachim) Copyright and All Rights Reserved, A.D.2021 and on, The Holy Family House.)
This double Feastday marks the end of the 40 traditional days of ChristMass and is very important â this is why it is targeted by secularists/humanists and the media for ridicule when they focus on a certain groundhogâs actions on this day.
The Feast of the Purification marks the fact that The Blessed Virgin Mary was obliged, under Mosaic Law, to go to the Temple to be purified â to offer a sacrificial offering, which was, according to Servant of GOD, Fr. John Hardon, S.J., five shekels â so that She could worship in the Temple again. It was assumed that, when She had given birth, that She had shed blood. Any Jew, who came in to contact with human blood, was declared âuncleanâ until he had made a sacrificial offering in the Temple and had been declared âcleanâ by a priest.
According to the infallible/inerrant Doctrine of The Catholic Church â The New-Covenant Church founded by Jesus Christ on St. Peter â The Blessed Virgin Mary was a Perpetual Virgin â She never lost Her Virginity, which She had consecrated to God in the Temple, at the age of three. The fact, that The Church, founded by Jesus, teaches this, is all that we need to know to believe it. But, according to visions shown to Venerable Mary of Agreda, Jesus chose to be born, coming through the walls of The Blessed Virgin Maryâs Most Holy Womb, much as He walked through the locked doors of the Upper Room after His Resurrection. He IS God, isnât He? Thus, our Lord ensured that His Mother became the only Virgin-Mother ever to exist; He added Divine Fruitfulness to Her Most Blessed Purity.
The Feast of The Presentation of The Infant Jesus in the Temple is celebrated also on CandleMass, February 2nd. Again, according to Mosaic Law, forty days after his birth, the first-born male child of each Jewish family had to be presented by his parents in the Temple to God The Father, as the âfirst fruitsâ of the family. If the baby was not ransomed back by the parents, he would remain in the Temple working there, for the rest of his life, as the Prophet Samuel had done. St. Joseph and Mother Mary paid two turtle doves to ransom back our Blessed Lord Jesus. Obviously, as Jesus Is God, He did not have to obey the Mosaic Law, but, as the New Adam, He wanted to humble Himself, once again, to make up to The Father, His Divine Nature, and The Holy Spirit for Adamâs sin of pride and disobedience.
As Jesus, The Messiah, Is The Light of the world, on CandleMass, we can take a candle/candles to church to have it/them specially blessed. Then, when there is danger present or bad weather, we can light it/them and pray that The Lord will save us from the danger.
â[22] And after the days of Her Purification, according to the law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried Him to Jerusalem, to present Him to The Lord: [23] As it is written in the law of The Lord: Every male opening the womb shall be called holy to The Lord: [24] And to offer a sacrifice, according as it is written in the law of The Lord, a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons: [25] And behold there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon, and this man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel; and The Holy Ghost was in him.
[26] And he had received an answer from The Holy Ghost, that he should not see death, before he had seen The Christ of The Lord. [27] And he came by The Spirit into the Temple. And when His Parents brought in The Child Jesus, to do for Him according to the custom of the law, [28] He also took Him into his arms, and blessed God, and said: [29] Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy Word in peace; [30] Because my eyes have seen Thy Salvation, [31] Which Thou hast prepared before the face of all peoples: [32] A Light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and The Glory of Thy People Israel. [33] And His father and Mother were wondering at those things which were spoken concerning Him.[34] And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary His Mother: Behold, This Child is set for the fall, and for the resurrection of many in Israel, and for a Sign which shall be contradicted; [35] And Thine own Soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts, thoughts may be revealed.
[34] For the fall: Christ came for the salvation of all men; but here Simeon prophesies what would come to pass, that many through their own willful blindness and obstinacy would not believe in Christ, nor receive His Doctrine, which therefore would be ruin to them: but to others a resurrection, by their believing in Him, and obeying His Commandments.
[36] And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser; she was far advanced in years, and had lived with her husband seven years from her virginity. [37] And she was a widow until fourscore and four years; who departed not from the temple, by fastings and prayers serving night and day. [38] Now she, at the same hour, coming in, confessed to The Lord; and spoke of Him to all that looked for the redemption of Israel. [39] And after they had performed all things according to the law of The Lord, they returned into Galilee, to their city Nazareth. [40] And The Child grew, and waxed strong, full of wisdom; and the grace of God was in Him.â (taken from St. Luke: 2: 22â40)
(Feel free to pick [a] certain prayer/s for your Novena â there are several listed here.)
âVENI SANCTE SPIRITUS, reple Tuorum corda Fidelium, et Tui Amoris in Eis Ignem accende.
V/. Emitte SPIRITUM Tuum, et creabuntur.
R/. Et renovabis faciem terrĂŚ.
DEUS, qui corda fidelium SANCTI SPIRITUS illustratione docuisti, da nobis in Eodem SPIRITU recta sapere et de Ejus semper Consolatione gaudere. Per CHRISTUM DOMINUM nostrum. Amen. /
COME, O HOLY GHOST, fill the hearts of Thy Faithful, and enkindle in them The Fire of Thy Love.
V/. Send forth Thy SPIRIT, and they shall be created;
R/. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray.
O GOD, Who hast taught the hearts of The Faithful by The Light of The HOLY SPIRIT, grant us by The Same SPIRIT to relish what is right, and evermore to rejoice in His Consolation. Through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
Preparatory Prayer to be said each day:
O VIRGIN Most Pure, Conceived without sin, all Fair and Stainless in Thy Conception; Glorious Mary, Full of Grace, Mother of my GOD, Queen of Angels and of men, I humbly venerate Thee as Mother of my SAVIOR, Who, though He Was GOD, taught me by His Own Veneration, Reverence, and Obedience to Thee, the honor and homage, that are due to Thee. Vouchsafe, I pray Thee, to accept this Novena, which I dedicate to Thee [and Thy Divine Son]. Thou art the Safe Refuge of the penitent sinner; it is very fitting, then, that I should have recourse to Thee. Thou art The Mother of Compassion; then wilt Thou surely be moved with pity for my many miseries. Thou art my best hope after JESUS; Thou canst not but accept the loving confidence, that I have in Thee. Make me worthy to be called Thy son/daughter, that so I may dare to cry unto Thee: show Thyself a mother. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ 9 times, and the âGloria PATRIâ once.)
Gloria PATRI, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut Erat in Principio, et Nunc, et Semper, et in Saecula Seculorum. Amen. /
Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Spirit. As It Was in The Beginning, Is Now, and ever Shall Be, world without end. Amen.
BEHOLD me at Thy Sacred Feet, O Immaculate Virgin. I rejoice with Thee, because, from all eternity, Thou wast elected to be The Mother of The Eternal Word, and wast preserved stainless from the taint of original sin. I praise and bless The Most Holy Trinity, Who poured out upon Thy Soul, in Thy Conception, The Treasure of That Privilege. I humbly pray Thee to obtain for me grace effectually to overcome the sad effects, produced in my soul, by original sin; make me wholly victorious over them, that I may never cease to love my GOD.
(The same order is to be observed on the other days of the Novena, the prayer for the day alone being changed.)
Specific Prayers for each day:
1st Day:
O MOST Holy Virgin, Bright Mirror of all virtues, the forty days after Thy Delivery were no sooner passed than Thou, though the purest of all virgins, didst will to be presented in the Temple to be purified; O, help us, then, to keep our hearts unstained by sin, that so we too may be made worthy one day to be presented to our GOD in Heaven. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
Ave Maria, Gratia Plena. Dominus Tecum. Benedicta Tu in mulieribus, et Benedictus Fructus Ventris Tui, Jesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis. Amen.
Hail, Mary, Full of Grace. The Lord Is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and Blessed Is The Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
2nd Day:
O Virgin Most Obedient, at Thy [Purification] in the Temple, Thou didst willingly offer the sacrifice customary among women; enable us so to follow Thine Example, that we may make ourselves a living sacrifice to GOD by practicing every virtue. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
3rd Day:
O Virgin Most Pure, Thou didst despise the reproach of men, observing the precepts of the Law; ask for us grace always to keep our hearts pure, whatever the world may think of us. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
4th Day:
O Virgin Most Holy, by offering Thy Son, The Divine Word, to His Eternal FATHER, Thou didst make Heaven glad; present our poor hearts to GOD, that by His Grace they may be kept free from mortal sin. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
5th Day:
O Virgin Most Humble, in consigning JESUS into the arms of the holy, old man, Simeon, Thou didst fill his spirit full of heavenly joy; consign our hearts to GOD, that He may fill them full of His HOLY SPIRIT. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
6th Day:
O Virgin Most Diligent, in ransoming Thy Son JESUS according to the Law, Thou didst co-operate in the Salvation of the world; ransom our poor hearts from the slavery of sin, that they may be ever pure in The Sight of GOD. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
7th Day:
O Virgin Most Clement, on hearing the prophecy of Simeon foretelling Thy Woes, Thou didst at once resign Thyself to The Good Pleasure of Thy GOD; make us always resigned to The Dispositions of His Providence, and enable us to bear all troubles with patience. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
8th Day:
O Virgin Most Compassionate, when Thou didst fill the soul of Anna the prophetess with light, by means of Thy Divine Son, Thou didst make her magnify The Mercies of GOD by recognizing JESUS as The REDEEMER of the world; enrich our spirits too with heavenly grace, that we may joyfully reap in full measure The Fruits of our LORDâS Redemption. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
9th Day:
O Virgin Most Resigned, although Thou didst feel Thine Own Soul transfixed with sorrow, foreseeing all of The Bitter Passion of Thy Son, yet knowing the Grief of Joseph Thy spouse for all of Thy Sufferings, Thou didst console him with holy words; pierce through and through our souls with true sorrow for our sins, that we may one day come to rejoice with Thee in everlasting bliss, partakers of Thy Glory. Amen. (Pray the âHail, Maryâ/âAve, Mariaâ).
(Then you can pray or sing the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, or else, pray:)
V/. Tota Pulchra es, Maria, R/. Tota pulchra es, Maria,
V/. Et macula originalis non est in Te. R/. Et macula originalis non est in Te.
V/. Tu Gloria Jerusalem. R/. Tu LĂŚtitia Israel.
V/. Tu Honorificentia populi nostri. R/. Tu Advocata peccatorum.
V/. O Maria. R/. O Maria.
V/. Virgo Prudentissima. R/. Mater Clementissima.
V/. Ora pro nobis. R/. Intercede pro nobis ad DOMINUM JESUM CHRISTUM.
(After the Litany or Hymn, as above, pray,)
V/. In Conceptione Tua, Virgo, Immaculata fuisti.
R/. Ora pro nobis PATREM, CUJUS FlLIUM peperisti.
DEUS, Qui per Immaculatam Virginis Conceptionem dignum FILIO Tuo Habitaculum preparasti: quĂŚsumus ut qui ex morte Ejusdem FILII Tui prĂŚvisa eam ab omni labe prĂŚservasti, nosquo que mundos ejus intercessione ad Te pervenire con cedas. Per CHRISTUM DOMINUM nostrum. Amen.
DEUS omnium fidelium pastor et rector, famulum Tuum N. (Pope Francis), quem Pastorem EcclesiĂŚ TuĂŚ prĂŚesse voluisti, propitius respice; da ei quĂŚsumus, verbo et exemplo, quibus prĂŚest, proficere, ut ad vitam una cum grege sibi credito perveniat sempiternam.
DEUS refugium nostrum et virtus, adesto piis EcclesiĂŚ TuĂŚ precibus, auctor ipse pietatis; et prĂŚsta, ut quod fideliter petimus efficaciter consequamur. Per CHRISTUM DOMINUM nostrum. R/. Amen. /
V/. All fair art Thou, O Mary, R/. All fair art Thou, O Mary,
V/. The original stain is not in Thee. R/. The original stain is not in Thee.
V/. Thou art The Glory of Jerusalem. R/. Thou art The Joy of Israel.
V/. Thou art The Honor of our people. R/. Thou art The Advocate of sinners.
V/. O Mary. R/. O Mary.
V/. Virgin Most Prudent. R/. Mother Most Clement.
V/. Pray for us. R/. Intercede for us with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
V/. In Thy Conception, O Virgin, Thou wast Immaculate.
R/. Pray for us to The FATHER, Whose SON was born of Thee.
Let us pray.
O GOD, who through The Immaculate Conception of a Virgin, didst prepare a worthy Dwelling Place for Thy SON, we beseech Thee, who by The Death of That SON, foreseen by Thee, didst preserve Her from all stain of sin, to grant that by Her intercession, we also may be purified, and so may come to Thee. Through CHRIST our LORD. Amen.
O GOD, The Shepherd and Ruler of all of The Faithful, graciously look down upon Thy Servant N.(Pope Francis), whom Thou hast chosen to be the Pastor of Thy Church; and grant him, we beseech Thee, both by word and example, so to direct those over whom Thou hast placed him, that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may attain eternal life.
O GOD, our refuge and strength, who art the author of all holiness, listen to the pious prayers of Thy Church, and grant that what we ask in faith we may effectually obtain, through CHRIST our LORD. R/. Amen.
V/. Responsum accepit Simeon a SPIRITU SANCTO.
R/. Non visurum se mortem nisi videret CHRISTUM DOMINI.
OMNIPOTENS Sempiterne DEUS, majestatem Tuam supplices exoramus, ut sicut Unigenitus Tuus cum nostrĂŚ Carnis Substantia in Templo est prĂŚsentatus, ita nos facias purificatistibi mentibus prĂŚsentari.
V/. Simeon received answer from The HOLY SPIRIT.
R/. That he should not see death till he had seen The CHRIST of The LORD.
Let us pray.
ALMIGHTY, Everlasting GOD, we humbly pray Thy Majesty that, as Thine Only-Begotten SON was presented in the Temple in the Substance of our Flesh, so Thou wouldst enable us to present ourselves before Thee with clean hearts. Amen.â
(TakÂen from the A.D. 1910 verÂsion of the RacÂcolÂta: )
Another Feast, which is celebrated on February 2nd is the Feast of our Lady of Good Success:
CopyÂright and All Rights Reserved The Holy FamÂiÂly House, Feast of the MadonÂna of the Rose, A.D. 1/30/2013 and on. Can be copied and disÂtribÂuted â GRATIS â with full and legÂiÂble copyÂright info included.